People who got supplimental questionnaire!

<p>Who got in with it?
or who didn't?</p>

<p>Let's check it out.
I haven't checked my decision because I'm busy w/work</p>

<p>I got in with the questionnaire =D</p>

<p>I got it but I got rejected.</p>

<p>Just check already</p>

<p>My friend linked me to this and said “here’s your chance to gloat”
why not</p>

<p>I got in with it.
big smiles, full of listening to “jump on it” and “cant touch this”, and in-chair-lame-dancing</p>

<p>@ Derek</p>

<p>I pictured your lame dance in my head and laughed.</p>

<p>Derek, I pictured your lame dance in my head and laughed too. Then I realized that I was doing a lame dance as well. :)</p>

<p>I got in with the questionnaire!</p>

<p>love that song “jump on it”. I think imma listen to it too!</p>

<p>Got in without it.</p>

<p>Got the supplemental but didn’t get in.</p>

<p>what is this questionnaire youre all talking about?</p>

<p>I got it, but didn’t get in.</p>

<p>I got the questionnaire and was accepted!</p>

<p>received the supplemental and got in. how about you hairukmachen?</p>

<p>Seeing that i am AP stat i will take our small sample results and compare it with the population results of all those who got into UCLA with the supplemental
Ho: , Ha: … jk. blah blah reject null hypothesis and…
okay ill give it a rest</p>

<p>Nevertheless, from what it seems, it seems like overall supplemental-recepients get in most of the time? or is it just that us CC’ers are just fantastic supplemental-question-writers?

<p>oh no! extraneous variables.
okay you can just tell im a nerd, or that i am just that thrilled about UCLA…
or both.</p>

<p>oh no.</p>

<p>@itzevan and JulianBernardino
Glad to amuse :slight_smile:

<p>i got the supplemental and was rejected :(</p>

<p>i got the supplemental and got in! my essays were legit!</p>

<p>Sent in the supplemental and was rejected.</p>

<p>ok soo… with 15 ppl who got the supplemental 10 ppl got in. That’s 66.67%… H0: p1=p2, HA:p1>p2… df=14… P-value=.00312… Thus with a small P-value, we reject the null hypothesis and we believe that people who got the questionnaire have a higher chance of getting in. :slight_smile: … i’m just kidding… sample size is too small, and it is not random… We can’t proceed with the test.</p>