People who like to drive?

<p>Kindof a long shot, but anyone here interested in giving me a ride to the Mazda Zoom Zoom Live event. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I registered for this Sunday (move in day) in the late afternoon. If anyone is interested in driving the new Miata around their course (top prize is a free RX-8 I believe), please take me with you.</p>

<p>Again, I'm not sure how long moving in will take, but since my parents are joining me next Tuesday with most of the big luggage and I am on the first floor of my dorm, I'll just be leaving some clothes in a closet. I would have asked my future roommate, but he refused to divulge his personal info (no idea why).</p>

<p>Note: The other reason I was thinking it may not be as much fun as it seems is that the event is on Saturday and Sunday. The clutch and probably transmissions of all of the cars will most likely be pretty f'd up by the late afternoon/early evening.</p>