People who live in Linkins..Is there a gym in there?

<p>Is there an actual gym in the building like there is in the Coronado or Arizona-Sonora? What are some good things about Linkins? </p>

<p>I went on tour of U of A, and I think Likins is very close to the big gym, the rec center.</p>

<p>Likins is the best dorm and right next door to the rec centre, no need for a gym. Best things…:

  • Newest dorm
  • full or Greeks (can be the worst too!)
  • Best kitchen
  • Next door to rec
  • across the road from Highland market
    -Closer to the mall than Arbol
  • Cleanest bathrooms
    –Most best break-out rooms
  • Best Cleaners
    -Blackout blinds
    -vert Eco-friendly
    any more…</p>

<p>Thanks! This is really great feedback. I just wanted to know because I’ve been having a tough time deciding between Likins, Coronado, and AZSO for a dorm…I like them all, but each of them has pros and cons based on what I’ve heard! </p>