Deciding upon a dorm

I’m going to be a freshman at UA starting fall 2015, and I’m stuck between Az/Sonora and the Highland district. Firstly, I want a nice building thats clean, but I also want a fun place to live. I want a great social aspect but also somewhere I can actually focus on writing a paper, if thats even possible. I don’t want a quiet hall with absolutely no one speaking, I want the whole doors open and fun community, but nothing too crazy. Im not too much of a party guy.

Thanks for the help!

4.Posada San Pedro
In that order.

What is it about those specific dorms that you like? You don’t have to go in depth Im just curious what you base the ratings on

i’m just a dad, but: Likins is the newest and nicest like a hotel, great loc by the rec centre, alas it is full fyi, cienega is on highland one of the four all fairly new, outdoor corridors like San pedro and VDP, very social, again great locations on highland for late night burrito’s etc. AZSO has a good location adjacent to downtown easy for cipotle& frog etc is a lively dorm lots of connects to downtown and arbol. My DS was in Likins and its just nicer but $$$ and full alas.

My advice ANYWHERE on Highland…fwiw…Good luck and have fun

Just so the people that view this know, I’m going to go with Cienega thanks to Englishmans help, Ill be sure to come back in a couple months and give feedback.

Hi, thanks for following up! Did you notice, when you were online, what dorms in the historical district still had availabilities, by any chance? My daughter picks a dorm on Monday. Thanks!

My DD got into Likins yesterday. She had a slot at Hopi (she’s choosing dorms based upon best air conditioning controls in dorm room–doesn’t want a two pipe system (search website for air conditioning for info, if it matters to you)). At 5:00 PT on Monday, she reassigned to Likins (Pima, her second choice popped up also). I’m guessing that this would be the weekly time when new students are allowed to choose a room. Because she was reassigning, she could sign in at 4:58 PT, and move faster than someone going through the menus at 5pm. Now she’s texting with potential roommates–the pool of roommates can only be kids who are already assigned to Likins-- not someone hoping to get in–and she may have a match. Yay!!

Current students could reserve their same room on Monday/Tuesday, Feb. 9, 10. On Wednesday, Feb. 11, they could look for another dorm on the housing website. So things opened up on Feb. 11 at 12:01AM when rooms were released if they weren’t reserved again on Feb. 9, 10.

Hey guys, so I’m not committed to UA yet, but I will be visiting the campus at the end of March. When does housing become available for freshman? I was wondering this because I see some people already have their dorms picked out, and I don’t want to get the last pick because I was too late.

@Sirlaz: Sorry, but you are already late. The good dorms are already taken by at least January. But the huge, party dorms are probably available since they are so big: Coronado and AZ-So. You can always check the Housing online reservations and switch when another becomes available. A lot of people pay the $200 (or something) housing deposit, reserve a dorm, then check daily to see if they can switch dorms - you can switch online if you have paid the deposit. Also, people do pay the deposit and reserve a dorm as a placemarker and then decide to attend a different college. I think the only really bad one is Babcock, which is a former motel - it’s really run down. Call the Housing Office and ask what they think - maybe more are released later on. I am not sure what the month is where people have to tell the school if they are attending - I think it’s April. More rooms might open up then.

Freshman could start picking housing late January. Once accepted you can put down a non-refundable $150 deposit and pick a dorm. But to hold it, you have to put down another $250 deposit, but that is refundable until May 1. Set-up your next steps account. You can do this without committing. To set-up your orientation date however, you must commit. Best website ever, lots of info on UA housing, picking a dorm, getting a roommate, etc.

Actually, the Confirmation Rent Payment is not refundable. It is credited to your UA account if you cancel in writing before May 15.

@analmom could have it right and I’m misunderstanding; this page talks about the deposit being “refundable” before moving into campus housing, if you hit a deadline; I believe when we put down the confirmation rent payment (which is $200), it said that deadline was May 1 for a “refund”, as long as the request was put in writing.

I’ll check the agreement for wording, because I don’t want to be misleading.

I just applied the other day, and I am confident I will get in. Have all the “good” dorms already been taken? I’ve been reading some threads on here that Linkins is really good as well as Coronado and AZ-Sonora. If I don’t commit until early April (as I am visiting the campus at the end of March), will it be too late to get a decent dorm?

for others to interpret:
Fall 2015 Academic Year License Agreement
For your review, the following are the terms and conditions upon which you agreed for this housing contract.

    A $200 confirmation rent payment is due by the confirmation deadline date provided to you upon assignment. This confirmation rent payment (which is separate from your $150 non-refundable housing application fee and your University enrollment fee) is credited toward your fall semester Rent and confirms your intent to live in campus housing.
    Failure to timely pay the $200 confirmation rent payment by the deadline noted in paragraph 6a above will result in cancellation of your housing application and assignment. Reinstatement of a cancelled housing application will be considered on a space-available basis.
    The $200 confirmation rent payment is refundable only if cancellation of your housing application/assignment is received by Residence Life, from you, on or before May 15, 2015.
    If you qualify under the University’s guidelines for deferring your University enrollment deposit, you may also request deferment of the $200 confirmation rent payment. If your $200 confirmation rent payment is deferred and you cancel your housing application after May 15, 2015, the $200 confirmation rent payment will be charged to your University account and payment will be collected in accordance with the University Bursar’s Office payment policies/deadlines.
    Confirmation rent payments are not applicable to Spring Only housing applicants.

@sirlaz We had a friend last year who committed in late April, and she initially got into an older dorm she did not like. She kept going back into the self-assignment housing online section, and in July, she finally got into a newer dorm she wanted–VDP.

I misunderstood; the wording is ambiguous. “credited to your UA account” means basically a refund to the credit card. I was thinking it meant credit as in, store credit but then realized if someone is not going to attend the college, how can they use credit?

I agree, does seem ambiguous.