The Best Hall To Stay At in UofA

<p>I plan on transferring to UofA from a California CC. I was suppose to go to ASU but I ddin’t get any scholarships so I’ll take a year and go to UofA instead. I want to know where is the nicest place to live on campus? If someone can please help me. I want somewhere where you share a bathroom with a roommate not the entire floor. I want to know if there is a hall with a gym. I pretty much want something like Taylor Place at ASU in Downtown, Phoenix. That’s where I was going to stay…</p>

<p>You can check out all of the dorms at but the “nicest” dorm is probably Likins, the new dorm. The only hall that I know of that has a gym is Arbol de La Vidal but that is an honors dorm. Likins is across the street from the Rec though so you can literally walk to a gym. I am pretty sure the only dorm that does not have community bathrooms is Babcock…I think.</p>