Perceived Course Rigor?

<p>In my freshman year we were not allowed to take any weighted courses. In my sophomore year, I took two weighted classes, comprised of one AP and one certified honors, with 5 other classes. In my junior year, I took 5 weighted classes, with 2 other classes. </p>

<p>The problem is in my junior year, I took 3 AP and two honors, instead of the 4 AP and one honors I had signed up for. My school cancelled AP Physics in the beginning of the year, so I was forced to take Honors Physics, which was essentially the same class, without the basic calculus to make it AP. </p>

<p>In my senior year, I am trying to make up for what places like UCLA and UC Berkeley might perceive as slacking off (which it wasn’t; teachers construct honors courses the same as APs at our school. I had an easier time in APUSH than in Honors Physics), by taking 5 APs and 2 other classes. </p>

<p>So do you think I can salvage my perceived course rigor by my senior load? My schedule prior was basically just as hard as people who took 4-5 APs junior year, since things like APES and AP Psych at my school are jokes compared to Honors Precalc and Honors Physics at my school. I’m just worried top UCs won’t quite see it that way…</p>

<p>Plus I’m taking a UC transferable community college course this summer, which will be weighted and factored into the GPA as if an AP/honors.</p>

<p>you should be fine. Five people from my school are going to LA while 2 are going to CAL. My school did not offer many AP compared to how yours sounds. Just keep ur gpa up specially next year</p>

<p>You’ll be fine. When you fill out your application there will be a box after the essays where you can tell the schools about this.</p>