Percentage of NJ Students

<p>Hi. Any current UW Madison students,parents, alum know the percentage (rough idea) of NJ students currently on campus? My S has already applied (fingers crossed, could be his top choice!), eager to leave the Northeast and loves the Midwest. Just curious if his chances are improved by coming from a state with little representation?? Thanks for any feedback.</p>

<p>About 350 students or less than 1% of undergrads as the 350 includes grad students. I’d guess around 300 undergrads.</p>

<p>[Enrollments</a> By State](<a href=“]Enrollments”></p>

<p>Thanks for the info and the link Barrons! :o)</p>

<p>I don’t think the home location will make much difference. UW has nearly always had a fairly large number of students from the Northeast (NY,NJ,CT,Mass) so I would not think it would be a big plus. But not a negative either. OOS are very welcome at UW these days.</p>

<p>UW gets students from all over, as barrons states and the link shows. No attempt to balance out which OOS state students come from. Your son’s chances will be based on his merits, not his state. Had a good college friend from NJ eons ago.</p>

<p>Thanks wis75. Understood, and as it should be. I have three good friends who are UW alum, great people and all successful in their chosen professions…hope to add my S to that list too!! Fingers crossed.</p>

<p>My D is a sophomore from NJ at UW, loves it! She has not seen many kids from NJ at all, but met some at the alumni meet and greet they have every August in NJ before the kids take off. Lots of kids doing science and engineering at that event. NJ exports a huge number of students. If she had any advantage it does seem from what her friends say that coming from a big NJ high school (>700 kids per class) she had more honor science courses and AP options. But, no idea if that actually helped. She loves the midwest vibe and she has friends from all over the country now.</p>

Thanks for your post, great info. My S is also from a large NJ high school, almost 800 in his class. By graduation he will have taken roughly 13 honors and AP classes, including 4 this year. Hoping that helps too. S really seems to connect with the Midwest vibe too, UW seems to be the perfect fit for him. Eagerly awaits a decision. Will keep you posted. Much continued success to your D!</p>