Perfect ACT, but subpar Writing score

<p>I took the ACT as part of Illinois' mandatory standardized testing this spring. By the time I got to the essay, my pencil was down to millimeters of lead and the proctors refused to let me use a mechanical pencil. I had also been sitting in a hot and stuffy gym for a couple hours, as I'm sure all of you can relate to. Naturally, I didn't do so hot on my essay (something retarded about requiring environmental education for graduation). I didn't even get to finish, thanks to my pencil problems and difficulty in focusing. I got every single MC question on the test right, but my score calculated "with Writing" is much less impressive. I know that the ACT essay is a fluke, because I 2400'd my SAT, which had the essay as the first section. </p>

<p>Here's my question. Should I even bother sending my ACT score to colleges that require ACT with Writing? I mainly have Stanford in mind, because I looked at their policy most recently. I had thought that it would be more impressive to send them two perfect scores, but that ACT Writing score is completely NOT representative of my writing abilities.</p>

<p>they don't care about the writing. They look at the composite from the 4, not +writing. Send both.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply, but I'm still wondering why would they require the ACT with Writing if they don't even look at the Writing section.</p>

<p>Maybe because the SAT without writing isn't an option and they want to keep things consistent? Once the SAT writing becomes more valuable to colleges maybe so will the SAT. That's my guess anyways.</p>

<p>If you 2400'd your SAT, then just send that.</p>