Perfect GPA, almost perfect SAT but almost no EC what are my chances for Ivy?

GPA 4.0/4.0 UW
SAT 2290 cr 690 m 800 w 800
ACT 35 e 33 m 36 s 36 r 35
EC: voluntary tutoring 40 hours/year for three years and that’s it.
Enrolled in almost every AP offered at my school.
Money is not a problem. No financial aids needed.
Chinese citizen applying from a Canadian public high school.
Thanks in advance.

Ivies are looking for humans. Not robots. Look elsewhere.

You could probably get into an Ivy, if your essays are fantastic, but HYP might be a bit of a stretch.

@HariboGoldBear I am in a variety of clubs, e.g. Everything my school has related to math. I even founded one, computer hardware club.

@basedchem I am not a robot. I have my own life, I am just not interested in e.g. saving the environment, singing, playing music instruments.

@ueutyi, it sounds like you may be more involved than you think! such as the computer hardware club. make sure to highlight those ECs in your app because you want to portray yourself as more than just grades and test scores. I think if you position yourself with those extra ECs, you have a much better shot. Please chance me back.

Being in clubs and being a founder are ECs. Just so you know.

@lhtanh98 @google12345 never knew these are ECs… Thanks!

@lhtanh98 but that club is tiny and composed for like max 10 members since founding it.

Why Ivy? You may do better elsewhere and get a great merit based scholarship with your grades and test scores.

@NorthernMom61 My family… My family came from a small Chinese village which my dad is the most educated man in. I am a very late child that my dad fortunately had when he was 50. My dad once told me “Go to Ivies or disappoint me.” and he also said “Go to harvard I give you Lamboghini…”

Well give it a try. It is a reach for everyone, so impossible to estimate your chances. It definitely won’t happen if you don’t try.

What will you add to the campus community? Will you be a good roommate?

There will be schools interested in you as a full pay with high test scores. Perhaps not a “prestige” school. Cast a wide net and best of luck.

Choose the activities that you spent serious thoughts and time to add in the Activities section in Common App. Other than that, my best advice to you is to choose some (only some) of the Ivies that fit you the most and work on your essays. Also don’t forget to apply to match and safety schools.

As an Asian student, I sympathize your situation regarding your parents’ expectation. Hope you the best of luck.

Yes, add your math clubs and any other organizations that you are involved in at school. Do you have any church involvement? ECs are not just music, theater, and community activism.

Sorry about the family pressure. Your father should know that the majority of qualified applicants get turned down from the most competitive Ivies every year. There is no shame in it. This blog post should provide some perspective. I can’t post it as a hot link but if you remove the spaces, you can read it.

http:// September 30, 2015 – Math with Bad Drawings why-ive-stopped-doing-interviews-for-yale/

Best of luck to you!

You are a qualified candidate for Ivies, but still most of the qualified candidates got rejected from them every year. Give them a try. What is important is to have safety and matches on your school list. Even more important, think about which school fits you best. You would have to show it in your essay anyway. Just your father wants you to get in does not mean anything to the adcom.

What’s your college list?
Please understand that there are MANY top colleges in the US.
Almost no EC = no chance at Harvard, but apply anyway to make your dad happy.
If he’s disapointed that you’re like 97% of the qualified applicants who were turned down by Harvard, it’s on him - it’s not reasonable to use this as leverage against a kid.
YOUR JOB is to find colleges where you have a shot.
Penn State, if you apply before Nov 30, is a safety for you, and is #1 for professional recruitment (yup, ahead of Harvard). There’s an Honors College and only about 8% get in so as far as selective this should satisfy your dad. But even if you don’t get into Schreyer (your ECs are likely too thin) you still have a solid option.
Northeastern is also a good pick, as are NYU and GWU since they’re need-aware and you’re full pay.

@MYOS1634 I can go to a Canadian one, they don’t care about my EC and the only two factor they consider during their admission process is money and mark.

@MYOS1634 I don’t know if these count as ECs as I have a lack of understanding of it.

Member of student council(sadly 1 year)
Some club president(sadly 2 years)
Along with some other kids at my school, we give out school-sponsered free tutorings to some other local kids for 3 hours/week. I also organize this event.
Used to participate in a math club but they got boring later and then I quit.
Some work experience, 100-150 hours I never counted.

I am still junior.

Yes, absolutely.
But if you hope to attend a university in the US, you should know you DO have possibilities that will result in positive outcomes, even if you don’t attend a Top 25 university.