Perfect SATs/legacy worth anything?

<p>My dad went to Princeton and worked as an assistant dean there for a few years way back in the '70s. He has stories about how storefronts on Nassau Street were completely destroyed when Nixon was elected to a second term...</p>

<p>Anyhow, I have 2400 SAT I/2400 SAT II (in addition to a 4.0), but I've gotten REALLY paranoid in the past few months. Princeton's been my first choice for my entire life, and I was just wondering if perfect scores plus legacy status will help me at all.</p>

<p>No, if anything both are a detriment to your chances.</p>


<p>Are you serious???</p>

<p>I just know that it’s such crapshoot, and I’m wondering if the legacy/scores will help me at all given the situation.</p>

<p>I think you’ll find that in life perfect scores and connections are rarely a bad thing to have. </p>

<p>Is this an ego thing or what?</p>

<p>Will they help you? Yes. Could you still totally not get in? Of course.</p>

<p>Don’t fish. You know as well as I do that whether or not you get into Princeton depends entirely on how much your admissions officers like your overall application, and that that’s all that anyone can say.</p>

<p>Lol is this serious? Kill yourself… I hope you don’t get in just because you made this thread - hopefully you have dual 2400’s but absolutely no depth in your EC’s and have ****ty essays…</p>

<p>Send me your essays, i’ll tell you if they suck.</p>

<p>^ my thoughts exactly, acceptd.</p>

<p>its so annoying when people start “fishing” like wishywashy said</p>

<p>but honestly guacamolly, there is no need to be so insecure about it… just relax
you seriously need to chill</p>

<p>This is what I’m talking about when I say that CC has gone downhill. 1/4 of the threads are full of dickheads either posting something dumb or responding with something dumb.</p>

<p>Yeah, I agree, this is really annoying. You are calling it a crapshoot even though you have amazing stats and legacy status…why?</p>

<p>haha guacamolly just got her life shat all over</p>

<p>People here are just jealous I guess, but I think you should’ve worded the question differently, because it seems you’re just trying to get a “Yes you’re definitely in” answer.</p>

<p>You probably have a very very very good shot at getting in. Maybe you were deferred at Yale because you have legacy(?) at Princeton and didn’t show enough interest in Yale, so they figured you were going to end up at Princeton anyway.</p>

<p>Come on, you’re probably all very nervous, the OP included… (S)he’s not bragging, (s)he just wants to know if (s)he has a good chance of being admitted, because all the people on CC make each other think admissions are a crapshoot, which they aren’t IMO.</p>

<p>Anyhow, I think you have a good chance of being admitted if your complete application is up to par. Princeton seems to value legacy quite highly.</p>

<p>Well, the thing that’s irritating is how s/he said “is it worth anything?”. Of course it will be worth something, do you really need us to reaffirm that? I just feel like some people on CC are really arrogant and just post things to make themselves feel good. I am sure most of you have high school guidance/college counselors and I am sure those people have answered the EXACT same questions you are asking on here.</p>

<p>Your chances at getting in Princeton are really really good.
You’re pretty lucky- it’s one hell of a school!</p>

<p>However, I am disappointed to hear about this piece of Princeton’s history.</p>



<p>I imagine the stories are interesting but yet again this proves that liberals like to throw temper tantrums when they don’t get what they want- liberals are like little children and most of them disgust me.</p>

<p>The odds are high that a legacy with perfect grades and perfect scores will get into a super-selective school like Princeton, but they aren’t a sure thing by any means. That’s what makes even people like the OP nervous. Perhaps it would have been better for the OP to word it differently–perhaps, How strong are my odds, really? But this is not as bad, in my mind, as the person who complains about “terrible” SATs above 750.</p>

<p>I understand your fears guacamolly (I went through the same thing w/ Yale, but it ended up all working out)!!! </p>

<p>Don’t worry though! I’m sure you’ll do very fine! You will get into Princeton!!! And if not, then you’ll get into somewhere else that’s equally as amazing.</p>

<p>The immaturity of some of these posts is astounding, especially cman74’s. It was a good question, I myself am not sure of how much an advantage a 2,400 SAT score would give over, say, a 2,300.</p>

<p>They will both help you, I just can’t tell you how much.</p>

<p>guacamolly has a much better chance than average. I’d say he has nearly a 50% chance of admission, as long as he does OK on his interview and submits adequate essays. This also assumes that he has the standard set of ECs that come with the typical Princeton applicant.</p>



<p>Alright, since when has CC ever been going uphill so that going downhill was a possibility? CC has never gone downhill, it’s always been this way.</p>

<p>and To the OP,

  1. (no offense)your question is flat out ■■■■■■■■.
  2. You are using this question as a means to brag about yourself. by doing so i dont possibly see what you are trying to accomplish</p>

<p>Guac - I’ll see you next year.</p>

<p>You’ll get in. Just write decent essays, and try to engage in some activities that you like doing, and you’ll get in.</p>