Just out of curiosity, does anyone know any colleges that come with perks? (such as colleges near Disneyland that get free one-year passes, etc :lol: ) Not that this will ultimately influence my decision, of course! haha
I think it was American that you get at Metro pass.
In response to @Eeyore123, a lot of schools in major cities will provide subway passes. (American in DC, most schools in chicago, BU in boston, etc). I don’t think there’s anything like what OP is describing. I’m not sure a university wants to sponsor a program for students to go to an amusement park. But if you dig around, you’ll be able to find schools with (reasonable) perks like free laundry, free laptops, 5-star restaurants, etc.
At many colleges near ski resorts, students will get discount lift tickets.
Several schools have their own lazy rivers - in a sense their own aquatic park. Puts a new spin on “pay to play” - are you folks OK footing the bill for frivolity? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/09/opinion/trustees-tuition-lazy-rivers.html
At La Salle University, I felt like we were the only Philly school who didn’t provide free transit passes. At NJ colleges, we get a small discount.
Transit passes seem to be more substantial “perks” than what the OP gave as an example (discounted Disneyland tickets). Local businesses (coffee shops/restaurants for example), museums, and other cultural institutions often offer modest discounts for college students within their community - although I wonder if Gibson’s Bakery has any such arrangement with Oberlin these days…
@newjerseygirl98 my daughter is at Haverford and has to pay for transit herself. She goes into the city often enough that it would have been a very nice perk indeed!
That reminds me, La Salle University also gave freshman a “passport”. We’d get free or discounted tickets to cheap local attractions.
They may seem like free perks but you are paying for them. All college students in the Denver metro area have transit passes, and whether you use them or not, you pay for them in your student fees. You can go from Golden to Boulder to the Airport or any spot in between, ride the light rail or any bus by showing your student ID, but you have, indeed, paid for it as part of your student fees. My daughter took a summer school class as a local school and I think the fee was $107 for the summer for transportation.
Both my kids went to schools where almost all student activities were included and they just had to show their student IDs to get into sporting events (including D1 football and basketball), check out a bicycle or kayak at little or no charge, swim in million dollar pools, ice skate, etc. There were free comedians and concerts and food all the time at the Union. They received lots of discounts from local merchants (it is up to the merchant to offer the free stuff).
Disney gives any Florida student who shows a college ID the Florida discount rate. It is not the school offering the freebee but the merchant. The schools might make a deal with the merchants or the municipality for a discount, but I don’t think there are many schools subsidizing the perks.
There’s lots of these. Barnard mentioned on their tour cheap Broadway and cultural tix for students. Like really cheap – $15 or something.
My D attends Davidson and they have Cats Excursions – free outings to concerts, plays, professional sports, etc., – mostly in Charlotte. So far, she’s seen an NBA game (Warriors v. Hornets of course!) and went to a fun outdoor concert. Both free and the college chartered a bus for transport.
Not guaranteed - you put your name in and if they get more demand than tix they do a lottery. But I think she’s gotten everything she’s put in for so far!
Disney never gives significant discounts. Not on parks, merchandise, movies, or anything. An annual pass runs between $400 to $1400 per year.
If you are a Southern California resident, in certain zip codes, you may get a little bit off during their off-season calendar. Otherwise, expecting a pass because you go to a school near there is not going to happen.
Do you know how many universities are in the Orange County and LA County areas??? That’s a LOT of students, too many to give a discount.
NYU has free admission to a number of nyc museums, and discounts on movies, broadway shows, concerts, sports events etc.