<p>Is anyone willing to read and edit my essay?</p>
<p>my original essay is 1070 words long!! I know the recommended length is 250-500 words, but I cannot seem to cut my essay and still have the same tone. </p>
<p>The essay topic is sort of touchy, so I spent a lot of time neutralizing the negativity in an attempt to spin it my way. I feel like because i don't have a generalized essay topic, I need more words to properly explain myself. </p>
<p>My essay is made of two clear parts: the narrative, and the learning/meaning part. I spent today cutting my essay down to around 600 words, mostly from the narrative part, but now that i've done that, my learning part seems extremely unwarranted. Without the thorough setup and background that I had before, I cannot seem to capture the same meaning. </p>
<p>help!! can anyone please take a look and give me advice?</p>