Personal Note from Director of Admissions

<p>i figured pedsox was kidding because it was just that offensive =/</p>

<p>pedsox, you're just a retarded anti-gay a**</p>

<p>Pedsox WAS just kidding. I am certainly NOT anti-gay. Just ****ed at UVA for Waitlisting evey good friend that I have.................and then they send a note to another friend who did get admitted about her diverse interest in the democratic party.....................i just thought the note thing was strange. I'm not going to UVA. So I was just saying somebody could have my spot. I still think the note thing is weird but tenniscraze, i didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. sorry.</p>

<p>Well it was a bit of a random reply and it came off to me as somewhat offensive. But, yeah - you're forgiven haha</p>

<p>The only reason admissions offices have a vested interest in diversity is because the makeup of the student body, in percentage form, gets thrown all over the literature. They couldn't care less which individuals of the diverse group come, just that they want as many of them as they can.</p>

<p>does anyone here know how large and visible the queer community is at uva? i've just been admitted but i'm a bit worried that the atmosphere will be overwhelmingly southern christian and frat-focused--is this the case, or is there a decent number of radical and queer kids on campus too? and do they get harrassed much? i'm just wondering cause i've talked to a friend at an all mens school in va and he's told me horror stories about the racism, sexism and homophobia there...i'm hoping it's just his school though.</p>

<p>Soccerguy315, actually that's not true. UVa and its Admissions Office do care about diversity beyond just statistics. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Vlmanfredi, I don't know how large the queer community is at UVa, but I do know that they're pretty active.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Hey Globalist,
I'm also pretty worried about how friendly ppl are in UVA towards the gay community. I've also, similarly, heard stories such as how conservative the school community is. Anti-gay hatred is something I have not heard though. Plus, it's also common to have an LGBT centre in almost every university.</p>

<p>I think no matter where you go, you will find some bigotted people. I even meet them in the multicultural metropolis known as New York City.</p>

<p>I do know a number of recent gay UVa grads, and they had a great time at Virginia. Here's a suggestion. Email some of the officers of the QSU. (I included the link in my previous posting.) When you get on the site, click on "Officers and Contacts" and ask the officers about their experiences. They'll give you an honest assessment of the school.</p>

<p>I did email the head of the centre - it was a girl - but she hasn't replied me back in like, forever. Haha.</p>

<p>Yeah, you could email the LGBT Resource Center, but you should email the officers of the Queer Student Union instead. I think the head of the Center is a graduate student, and all the QSU officers are undergrads. At least the officers could give you a perspective from a undergraduate's point of view.</p>

<p>Here's their site again:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also, UVa isn't conservative. It's politically moderate with vocal conservatives and liberals on Grounds. I think the College Democrats even has more members than the University Republicans.</p>

<p>Do you have AIM, Globalist?</p>