<p>Hey guys,
I received my acceptance packet today, and I really thought it was nice of them to leave me a personal note on the acceptance letter! Here's what it says:</p>
<p>"Dear Joe,</p>
<p>I hope you know how supportive we are of all of our students. You will find that being a gay student at UVA is an affirming experience. I hope you will decide to come here this August."</p>
<p>That comment left me feeling so warm, and shows you how welcoming they are! :) I wonder if anyone else got a personal note? Post them if you do! :)</p>
<p>I don't think it's coz of my being gay that I got a personal note. I mean there are times/circumstances when these things are written to some people. For example, I know several people who got personal notes from the Stanford admissions, sharing their views on what they wrote on their admissions essays.</p>
<p>Clearly you got the note because you are gay. That was the entire basis of the note. UVa is obviously trying to reach out to diverse students and they feel like you would be a good addition to the gay student body which is kinda weak at the moment.</p>
<p>I suppose it's more of an international student thing. I got a note too, and I'm not gay. Basically, the content of the note goes: I hope you will come to UVa because [insert some reason here]. In tenniscraze's case, it's because of his sexual orientation, but it really could be any other reason.</p>
<p>Thanks Globalist, I actually kinda checked out their LGBT site last week!</p>
<p>The personal note was actually from Parke Muth who is the International Director of Admissions. It really brought a smile to my face :) I agree with Iridium; it's not they let me in coz they're so pitiful that i'm, ohh, gay. Big deal. I think they just want to say something nice and thoughtful.</p>
<p>What alarms me about this whole ordeal is not that you received a personal note from one of the Admissions people, but that you feel your sexual orientation is so much of an issue to others that it had to be divulged on your college application. Maybe when I have children, they can also claim that they are gay in order to hook the college admissions.</p>
<p>Danielbess, maybe if you could step out of your shoes for a minute and think, you'd understand that for some people, choosing a college where their sexuality is a non-issue matters.</p>
that you feel your sexual orientation is so much of an issue to others
<p>danielbess, you really need a huge reality check. it is unfortunate, but tenniscraze's sexual orientation IS a huge issue for a lot of people. why the hell else would our president have wanted a constitutional amendment to ban gay-marriage?</p>
<p>Danielbless, I didn't use my sexual orientation so that UVA could feel pitiful for me - and thinking they would surely accept me because of this logic is just pathetic. The one response which asked about what kind of diversity I will choose to bring was, I felt, really crucial for myself to SPEAK OUT and BRING my EXPERIENCE to the table. And mind you, it's a risky thing to put in a college essay because it doesn't really stand out in terms of how intelligent you are but that's how I choose to respond :) So, whatever you choose to think, that's your problem.</p>