<p>Can anyone explain to me how the post-grad residency programs work for PharmDs, including the residency conferences? My kid has mentioned going to a conference, and I'm trying to keep up. Apparently a signficant percentage of PharmD graduates from my kid's school pursue these.</p>
<p>Are these positions paid, and do they lead to jobs or make a graduate a specialist of some kind? Are they viewed as being desirable? I'm not sure I understand why students who could earn great salaries upon graduation would be competing to spend another year in an internship or residency setting. </p>
<p>Duh. I'm hoping to amaze my kid with my knowledge....learned from CC! It's getting harder and harder to stay a step or two ahead....</p>
<p>According to D1, a P4, residencies are required to work in a clinical setting, i.e. in a hospital. Also, you can still work in a community setting after a residency, but you’re unlikely to be selected for a residency program if you have already been working in a pharmacy field that doesn’t require a residency. D1’s comment was that she could apply for a PhD program after her residency, but she would be very unlikely to obtain a residency after she got a PhD. So, many PharmD’s at least try for residencies upon graduation in order to keep their options open for their future career choices. I do believe that most of the residencies include stipends.</p>
<p>As I understand it, the conferences are essentially like recruiting fairs, where the P4’s meet and talk with the folks who do the deciding on who gets offers for residencies at their respective programs/institutions.</p>
<p>Thanks Quiet. My P4 kid has been working in a hospital pharmacy all the way through pharmacy school, and doesn’t plan to switch to retail. Your daughter’s explanation was very helpful.</p>