<p>So a little off topic, but which phone services (preferably T-mobile, AT&T, or Verizon) do not work as well on campus at UT or around the city? I've heard from some people that t-mobile has no bars in a lot of areas but I'm not so sure. Does anyone know which services are best/not best for being around UT? And I'm ending my contract soon with my phone company so I can go to any service available. :]</p>
<p>im pretty sure your phone will work great in Austin, go to the carriers websie and view the map to check though</p>
<p>T-Mobile does not work well in many buildings.</p>
<p>I don’t understand what it is about T-Mobile, but the general consensus is that service just flat out dies in buildings. Haven’t heard anything specific about in Austin, but I do know it has that kind of reputation where I live.</p>
<p>Thank you guys so much! I’ve heard that about T-Mobile, so I’ll keep an eye on it. Thanks :]</p>
<p>I live in San Jac and AT&T is terrible there. My phone always cuts off and it has cut off a lot when I am in Jester too… my roommate has Sprint and her phone never drops calls while we are in our room but mine always does, and I know a lot of my friends who live in San Jac and have AT&T say the same… but maybe it’s just San Jac!</p>
<p>haha. My friends got T-mobile because they won’t get any signal in most class building. so they can focus on the lectures!!</p>
<p>I have Sprint and the signal is really good pretty much everywhere, except some of the classrooms that are partially underground (like in Welch).</p>
<p>Yeah, I have tmobile and I don’t get any signals in the underground rooms in Welch nor RLM (unless I go up to like 11th or 14th floor and attach myself near the window.)</p>
<p>I have AT&T (iPhone) and I get bad service in a lot of buildings. I get excellent service in Austin as a whole though…</p>
<p>I tend to have this same problem at anywhere that has a lot of people. I.e. music festivals, large campuses…</p>
<p>I have AT&T and I have never had a problem with service dropping on or off campus. I’ve had service in the six pack basements, RLM roof, CPE, etc. </p>
<p>I don’t have an iphone, though. I heard these girls with iphones talking about not having service in the six pack buildings but I don’t know if they have AT&T, though.</p>
<p>I have an iPhone on AT&T, and the service last semester was pretty good all around campus. It’s horrible during football games though because of the heavy traffic on the towers and such. At least it is for me in San Jac, but I’m right next to the stadium. This past month or two though, I had been losing signal by Jester and the gym, and I wouldn’t get it back until I had walked back to San Jac. It seems to be fixed I think. Oh, and I very rarely get signal in Mezes (in the six-pack), even if I’m by a window. The other buildings that I’ve been in seem to do well though.</p>
<p>tmobile doesn’t work in LOTS of buildings. its really frustrating. my friend has AT&T and she always has service when I don’t lol</p>
<p>Ok thank you guys so much! This really helped me with my decision. Thanks! :]</p>
<p>@tori1992 so what was your final decision?! im in the same situation :)</p>
<p>I don’t have a final decision yet, it’s just for sure not t-mobile haha. I’m now thinking Verizon or Sprint. I really like the AT&T phones, but the whole drop calls thing and bad coverage in some areas kind of pushes me away. It’s only a little better than t-mobile. I’ll PM you when I make a final decision. :]</p>
<p>If you’re really into cool phones, you might want to consider Sprint. They’re is going to release an awesome phone this summer. It’s called the HTC EVO, the first 4G/3G phone in America. Here’s more information:</p>
<p>[Sprint’s</a> HTC Evo, the First Ever 4G Phone: Meet the New Terrific - htc evo 4g - Gizmodo](<a href=“Sprint's HTC Evo, the First Ever 4G Phone: Meet the New Terrific”>Sprint's HTC Evo, the First Ever 4G Phone: Meet the New Terrific)</p>
<p>[HTC</a> EVO 4G is Sprint’s Android-powered knight in superphone armor, we go hands-on – Engadget](<a href=“http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/23/htc-evo-4g-is-sprints-android-powered-knight-in-superphone-armo/]HTC”>HTC EVO 4G is Sprint's Android-powered knight in superphone armor, we go hands-on)</p>
<p>I have an iPhone 3G with AT&T and I get perfect coverage around campus and in my dorm EXCEPT in Garrison Hall and I dont know why</p>
<p>Yeah, sprintuser, I’ve heard about that phone and that’s one of the ones I’m considering. It seems pretty cool. :] </p>
<p>And iambored, I know that it flunctuates on whether the phone is going to working well or not that’s why I’m still trying to test it out and ask different people their opinions. :] Thanks for the info.</p>
<p>If it’s a known that specific areas have no signal then it’s an assault in the making. One would think UT would be rectifying the situation before they have to deal with lawyers and bad press.</p>