<p>We were in Austin this past week for my son's summer orientation. While on campus, we noticed that T Mobile coverage seemed very spotty, especially in building. Perhaps it is a temporary issue due to some cell site problem, are there any other T Mobile users out there that can share their impressions of on campus coverage? Thanks.</p>
<p>I have Tmobile and I was also on campus last week for orientation.
My coverage was spotty. Some of the classrooms had absolutely no coverage (although I doubt that’s just for Tmobile) and some places had a decent amount.
However, it was not spotty to a point of inconvenience. I was too busy doing all these things to really notice the cell phone coverage and when I needed to do something on my phone I seemed to have just enough coverage to get through.</p>
<p>I currently have T-Mobile and it majorly sucks at UT, especially around the natural sciences building, Welch. Like dosoon said, it’s not to the point of inconvenience but it’s just bad on certain floors. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.</p>
<p>I too have T Mobile. It sucks on campus. Often in buildings you cannot get reception at all. Any elevator will cut off all connection. I have yet to maintain a conversation in an elevator in two years at UT.</p>