<p>I live abroad and I was wondering what cell phone provider has good reception in DC? I hear T-Mobile is really crappy around Boston.</p>
<p>Also, does anyone have any experience using GSM digital phones (like the ones used in Europe, with text message)? Which providers provide these (messed up sentence, much?)?</p>
<p>My son kept his Verizon phone. He's had no problem with it, and never bothered to hook up his dorm landline. I think he really likes that his cell number has been the same for over 5 years, and everyone (new and old) can always reach him.</p>
<p>Most of the major carriers have good reception in DC. Verizon is the only provider that offers service in the metro. NYmom gots it right, most students don't use thir landline phone. I used it to receive calls from the various food delivery people I ordered from.</p>
<p>If you have a GSM phone with a plan that will cover this area I would stick with that, they seem to be better but you would definitely want to talk to your overseas provider about that! I have had some friends that got it to work and others whos phones wouldn't turn on, couldn't get calls, couldn't dial out, etc... so definitely check.</p>
<p>Verizon worked just fine when I was down there. Didn't know it worked in the metro though, thats really good to know!!!</p>
<p>My GSM provider is in Europe though, so calls might get a <em>tad</em> expensive lol. Are there any GSM providers in the states? Does anyone know if Verizon have GSM?</p>
<p>I have verizon and I get service almost everywhere, including in all the metros. I hear cingular is good too, but apparently sprint has pretty bad service.</p>