Photo Question Urgent

<p>Basically all of my pictures are around 4 MB in size. When I paste them in word then the Word doc is around 4MB in size. I have tried shrinking them in a variety of ways but the doc is always 4MB in size. The common app says it can only accomodate files 500 KB or smaller. How are we supposed to attach the picture??? Pictures are have too big file sizes to fit for the common app. Thanks.</p>

<p>pony it in. i had the same problem when i did ed, so I just stuck it in a big yellow manila envelope and sent it in.</p>

<p>you need to reduce the quality / size of the image through an editing program like photoshop.</p>

<p>word doesn't actually do anything except provide a smaller interpretation of the same big file, which is why the filesize doesn't decrease.</p>

<p>Or just use paint, and decrease the resolution.</p>

<p>You can use GIMP, which is a free (FREE AS IN FREEDOM YEAH), powerful, and open-source alternative to Photoshop..</p>

<p>THANKS to all of you for the help. I figured it out. Thanks on the tip about GIMP I will be sure to check that out.</p>

<p>could you please tell us what you did? I have the same problem and I'm computer illiterate. help!</p>

<p>decrease resolution</p>

<p>how do i do that...</p>

<p>how did you upload it? it doesnt accept jpg or anything like this?!!?!</p>

<p>Rister_Chutophs, you'll need to save it as a .doc or .pdf; if you're scanning a picture, your scanning program may give you the option of saving it directly as a pdf. Otherwise, copy the picture into a Word document, and upload it from there. Decrease the resolution if you're having problems getting it within the specified size limit...</p>

<p>For some reason, I found that if you go to "Insert Picture" and insert the picture into the Word document that way, it seemed to keep the file size within the limit, whereas if I simply copied and pasted, I ended up with a huge file...don't know why it worked (or whether it really worked at all; it was late at night, and it's possible I inserted a lower resolution picture instead...)</p>

<p>alright... I do have adobe photoshop, I know that now. So what do I do...?</p>

<p>ok... I decreased the pixel thing to 72 using microsoft photo editor... and it's still not working. In fact, when I try uploading it, it doesn't even tell me that the size is too big. It's just saying "Invalid Access". ***?</p>

<p>Relogin into your account and try again.</p>

<p>YESS it worked finally thank you</p>