Physics degree option question

I’ve been reading a lot about how the degree options fill fast, does anyone know if Physics degree options fill fast? I know it is a smaller college than some of the larger ones (Engineering, Mays, etc.), so I’m wondering if it fills fast. My son applied, is auto-admit, and I’m wondering what his chances are for getting his degree choice.


I went to A&M for my Master’s degree (started in Physics, switched to engineering). I don’t think the Physics options fill that fast. It’s a good department. I have a BS in Physics (from another school) so I hope he learns a lot…because there’s a lot to learn!

@Muad_dib Thanks for the info! He was able to sit in on a class, tour the lab, and we went to the Physics Fair this year. It seems like a great department, but small compared to the size of the university. I’m sure that’s great when studying there, but nerve-racking when thinking of the spots available. I’m very glad to hear you say that you don’t think the Physics option fills fast. Thank you! :slight_smile:

IF he has already applied, I’d breathe easy. Chances are wonderful for all rolling auto admits that apply this early in the cycle. Traditionally the majors that fill fast are: business (a few years ago the number was disclosed as 1800), engineering, architecture (visualization), psychology & one more I can’t recall. They do get over 30,000 applicants, but physics is usually open to the end (many future engineers try that route when they can’t initially get engineering).

@AGmomx2 Thank you for your response! Yes, he applied last week and our fingers are crossed. I’m glad to hear that physics stays open later. I was worried that it would fill fast because it is a smaller college. Do you happen to know if there is a preference to students who pick it as their first choice? What I mean is, my son applied to Physics as his first choice major and Geoscience as his second choice major. Would someone with an Engineering first choice major and a Physics second choice major take a spot for Physics (assuming both are auto-admit)? I’m not sure I understand how the rolling admissions work… :wink:

Btw… I love your username AGmomx2. I have two boys who want to go to A&M, too. :slight_smile:

The way it works is: applications are reviewed for admission to university, then they look at major choice. If it is #1 physics, they look to see if there is a slot at that moment and if so, you are in. There isn’t competition between applicants for majors, it is pure timing when they hit the buttons to add you to the major(for all but engineering majors). If they attempt to add you & it is full, they go to the next choice & try again. IF that is also full, they will send a message to the applicant letting them know & see if they would like to pick an alternate available major. By rolling admissions it means they take you in order as you apply, review your file & make decisions (for review admits that often means putting you in the ‘decide later’ pile). TAMU by law have to admit top 10% Texans and by their own declaration accept all academic admits to the university (but not to major of choice) which is why review admits normally end up waiting longer for a decision.

@AGmomx2 Thank you for explaining how it works. It makes so much more sense and puts my mind at ease. It sounds like my son has a very good chance at getting his first choice of degree. Whew… Now we wait.

@trish02 Hi there, My D is also going to major in Physics. How to you get an appointment to tour the lab or sit in on a class? I think that would be so great for her to do.

@kach95 Congratulations to your daughter!! We emailed the academic advisors in the physics department and they set it all up for us. It was fantastic!