<p>tell me about it. i feel like my writing all one thousand MP is NOT going to help based on what black hat said. i thought he would make the final easier than the midterms.</p>
<p>god, this semester absolutely blowed for me</p>
<p>tell me about it. i feel like my writing all one thousand MP is NOT going to help based on what black hat said. i thought he would make the final easier than the midterms.</p>
<p>god, this semester absolutely blowed for me</p>
<p>…i meant section 2’s midterms, i did so bad on my second midterm…hm, honestly, if u did the mastering physics problems and understood the concepts and why the answers were right, then the final wouldn’t be too bad.</p>
<p>that wasnt half bad</p>
<p>but ya, there wasnt even one mastering physics on there. whats sad is that the kinematics took me the longest to figure out, haha.</p>
<p>thank god there was no engines</p>
<p>was bad for me…i left 3 questions blank.</p>
<p>lol-im sure you did better than you thought and the curve better be very high</p>
<p>there was a dude in front of me, who i kid you not took a good doze and even left early.</p>
<p>the torque one took me like a million years to figure out but after i got it, it was like duhhhhhh. i left a good portion of problem 2 blank (the one with the 2 blocks on an incline)</p>
<p>i thought it was pretty tough…i answered almost everything but i’m not sure how many i actually got right. i hope the average is fairly low</p>
<p>Torque? Balancing blocks right? I just used common sense, except that I have a feeling instead of 1/8, it should have been 1/6 but I kept nodding off and lost track.</p>
<p>I guess we should all learn this lesson by now: never go into finals with less than 4-5 hours of sleep, can’t think straight, let own remember everything you just studied :P</p>
<p>wait what was 1/8 supposed to be? x1 or the sum of x1+x2+x3?</p>
<p>it’s NOT the sum of x1, x2 and x3. should be 1/6 i think. i put 1/8 by mistake at the time because i really didn’t know what was going on. now that i’ve had a 3 hr nap, i’m pretty sure it should be 1/6 for the sum. ah ■■■.
(Lol so I’m trying to think back on my answers and the entire exam just seemed like 1 big blur because i dozed off like 4 or 5 times while reading some problems. this 6 hours in a row **** needs to change. Literally only had like 10 minutes for a break and I had been playing on getting something to eat between tests…)</p>
<p>lol-im starting to wonder if you were the guy asleep in front of me during the test</p>
<p>that would be lol-worthy, ahahaha</p>
<p>when do you think theyll post grades to Bearfacts? im dieneeeeeeeeeee-haha get it-im diene? sorry bad joke since i feel bad for you 3b-ers</p>
<p>well i left at 6 and you said the guy left early? maybe it’s me though. lol i was so ****** out of it. Still am. I had on a tan/dirty white-ish long sleeve and was chewing gum. left side of the room facing the front.</p>
<p>oh ok then not you, haha. and how are you not asleep at 3:30 am if you havent slept for the past X hours, lol?? maybe you are still out of it</p>
<p>studying for psych. which is more monstrous than i thought. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh pulled the third all nighter in a row…</p>