
<p>I looked for U of C on pickaprof.com, and I couldn't find it...is Chicago not a part of it or is there another similar website that students use?</p>

<p>Chicago has its own site wherein comments from students are posted from forms that are filled out at the end of every quarter. you have to be on-campus to access it, however.</p>

<p>The most reliable way to get good information about classes and professors is to ask someone who has taken it, though.</p>

<p>there are several other sites that are more popular than pickaprof that do have uchicago faculty (like ratemyprofessor) but these reviews appear biased to me in that it seems that only the people who really dislike the professor post there. The schools own course evaluations site has much better reviews since everyone fills them out near the last day of class.</p>

<p>An example is that of Sanderson, the intro-econ instructor. He is a rather famous instructer and well liked by a majority of his students. On ratemyprofessor he has a bunch of these extremely negative reviews (some of them see to be more people who dont agree with the basic tenents of economics that are being taught and would rather right bad reviews instead of not taking a course that is just going to **** them off) while on the uchicago site, his reviews are just fine.</p>