Pick me some safety schools!!

<p>Here's the list of shools I've turned apps. so far!!</p>

<p>Georgia tech
wash u in st.louis
university of illinois-urbana
Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.
Oberlin College
University of North Carolina-C.H.
Davidson College
university of wisconsin
university of michigan</p>


<p>cant determine what’s a safety for you without your stats</p>

<p>You need to find yourself at least one True Safety school. This is a place that:
a) has to admit you based on your statistics (not merely where you are almost certain you will be admitted based on your statistics)
b) you can pay for without any aid other than federally determined financial aid
c) offers your planned major field of studies
d) you would actually be willing to attend if all of your other options fail</p>

<p>Most likely this is a home-state public university or your local community college. For some students, it could be a private college associated with their religious denomination. Find this place and learn to like it at least a little bit. Do not be one more poster next May writing “What do I do now? I didn’t get into any school my family and I can afford.”</p>

<p>If you choose your True Safety well, you won’t need any more “safeties”.</p>

<p>Auburn, Clemson, NC State, Purdue?</p>