Pickup trucks in Coral Gables?

<p>Whats the deal with pickup trucks and Coral Gables? I've read that trucks have to be in garages but is this only at private residences?
What about on campus?
I've also read that its a $100 fine everytime you get caught from 7pm-7am with a truck not in a garage. </p>

<p>I was recently given a pickup truck by close family members. They run a commercial hauling company and this was their private everyday-use company car. It doesn't at all look like a commercial, beat-up construction truck. No dents or even scratches and the paint is still shining metallic like it came off the lot. I can't believe this truck stickered close to 60k new - more than most of the cars today and Coral Gables is going to say trucks decrease property value. Its a 4 year old 3/4 ton pickup truck with a diesel engine in it. I know its not the most "green" vehicle out there but I like it and it gets 25-28 miles to the gallon - better than all gas minivans and almost double what SUV's get. </p>

<p>Diesel FTW.</p>

<p>I couldn't trade this in since it was a gift from close family members.If its not an option to bring it to Coral Gables, I'll just wait till summers and after I graduate to drive this beast.</p>