Pics of UW-Madison

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>(Don't care if they're old; they should be seen again >_>)</p>

<p>gorgeous!!! :)</p>

<p>Gosh the campus and surrounding area is so amazing.</p>

<p>Very pretty! Thank you.</p>

<p>Actually most of those look pretty recent.</p>

<p>Three comments I want to make about my experience at UW thus far:</p>

<p>1) EVERYONE is nice. EVERYONE. I haven't met a single rude person or an individual not with at least a light smile on his/her face. I love this place.</p>

<p>2) The view of Lake Mendota as one is biking up Observatory Drive is just beautiful. I will take pics and upload them soon.</p>

<p>3) This is just speculation, but I'm guessing the international Asians students are the most studious on campus. Without them (there are a decent-sized student body), I suspect our numbers and would go down a ways.</p>

<p>I am glad you are enjoying it. It is a special place. We'll work on getting the other students more studious. When six week exams come around you'll see some more studying.</p>