Thoughts on the University of Wisconsin-Madison?

<p>Good? Bad? Specifically for engineering (in general).</p>

<p>Good in every way. Great campus, awesome college town, beautiful suroundings (lakes and greenery), friendly students, top-ranked academic programs, strong reputation, loyal and proud alums, spirited athletic tradition. </p>

<p>For Engineering, Wisconsin is highly regarded (top 20 nationally).</p>

<p>Great academics... but make sure you like the environment. This place is HUGE... I took a tour and it took nearly two hours!</p>

<p>It's a really good school.</p>

<p>I hate how its so underrated, especially on CC. Like alexandre said its an amazing school in just about every way.</p>

<p>And now they have kosher dorm food.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Nice to hear about it. I'm from the northern part of China and currently living in Melbourne but I do miss the weather back in my hometown--imagine the snow and all the spectacular winter activities like skating and skiing^^</p>

<p>So I've decided to move from the "most livable city in the world" to Madison next year (hopefully get in..)</p>

<p>UW has good ties with China.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Think of this: In a week or two, assuming we don't all wash away from the rain we been having here, you can be sitting on the Terrace at Memorial Union with a soft drink or a glass of beer or wine in your hand watching the sailboats on Lake Mendota. That's a pretty nice thought.</p>

<p>I'm actually moving in at UW this Wednesday; just wanted to read your opinions, lol</p>

<p>To Barron:</p>

<p>The article is interesting, particularly it's published on a Chinese website. </p>

<p>However it sounds like advertisement!</p>

<p>I think they were being very polite to a senior official. They got a few zingers in there.</p>

<p>I hope all new students are having a great orientation. For those starting in COE & CS, be sure to swing by the ECS office on first week to start working on your resume. The all-important Career Connection event will start in 3 weeks and is great to scout for great summer internship or 2nd-year co-op opportunities.</p>

<p>honestly, do you expect anything less than awesome reviews from a UW forum?</p>

<p>^ My thread was originally in the College Search sub-forum. Some mod moved it here...</p>

<p>UW alums are Midwest honest. Except for a few that came from Chicago.</p>

<p>Talk to me about the weather. How bad is it, really? My son is interested in UW. We're from Portland Oregon where it's pretty mild year round but rather rainy from November to April. Some years we get an inch of snow, perhaps once or twice in a season. Some years more, some years none.</p>

<p>We haven't visited yet. How is the air transportation to Madison?</p>

<p>It's cold (Under 40 high) pretty much from December-March with a few breaks. It is also much drier and sunnier. The only really tough days are when it is cold and windy. That's maybe 20 days. The last few winters have been milder. Snow helps makes the winters more fun as you can do more outside. They do get about a full month off during Dec-Jan which helps if you go somewhere warmer. I find Seattle winters much more depressing. AT UW kids still are out and about in the cold.</p>

<p>We flight high in, that'll never happen</p>

<p>I've lived in Madison now for almost three years. I came from the DC-area. My impression on the weather is that it gets colder earlier here, much earlier. Sometimes I think that after Labor Day something says "ok now it's time to get cold." In DC it would stay warm sometimes well into November or December. People here tell me that it is not as cold as it used to be. For example, Lake Mendota didn't freeze until January this year. There was that -17 day, however. That was cold. Having said that I have found that I'm not really bothered by temperatures in the 20s. Once it gets below that and windy, as Barrons notes, it can be brutal. </p>

<p>I am also bothered by the many gray days. Barrons once said that there were only a few more here than in DC, but there really seems to be a large number of days when it's steel gray outside.</p>

<p>It also stays cold longer. In DC we could be pushing up the crocesus' in February. Not here. My experience has been that it's not until May that it becomes really pleasant. </p>

<p>The main thing is your student will adjust, and maybe even enjoy it.</p>

<p>As for transportation: We have a beautifully renovated regional airport, but it only has 13 or so gates. Generally, you have to go somewhere else first--Detroit, Minneapolis, or Chicago (avoid that like the plague). Lots of Northwest flights.</p>