Pittsburgh Wait List 2026

Thought we could start a waitlist thread for 2022 Fall Admissions


no decision for my D. She applied 12/26.

Mine applied 12/18. ID letter sent 12/24. Waitlist letter sent 3/2.

Good luck!

Mine applied 12/11.
Waitlist 3/2.

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Mine applied 9/30, asked for mid-term grades. We are from NY so they start late and grades weren’t available until the first week of February. Was waitlisted mid-Feb. I know they had a record number of applicants but she was admitted to other schools with very similar admission criteria.

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My DD got into Charleston, Elon, Delaware, Loyola Chicago and university of Az. But she was deferred from BU, (ED 1 there) and Miami, and was waitlisted from Clemson and Pitt. Waiting on GW, Drexel and Northeastern. Don’t have high hopes for anything at this point. She had her heart set on BU and is pretty deflated with all the waitlisting and deferrals. She liked Charleston, but it was her safety.

My son is a high stats kid with varied interests who is in at similar schools with merit and honors but waitlisted at Pitt. I imagine with the number of apps received this year, they are a bit more concerned with yield or potentially over enrolling. I’m not assuming my kid would have gotten in any other year, but it is an odd waitlist considering other similar acceptances.


Waitlisted on 2/25, applied early Oct. Wondering if I’ll have to wait until June 1. I am in state. Will people please post once they’ve heard? Pitt is in my top 3, along with the GW and BU.

D applied 11/3, WL 2/22. It is her only WL so far. Do any of you know when students in the past get off the WL?

We are in California.

I am also on WL and my notice said I’d be notified by 6/1.

Applied in Oct, asked to submit S1 grades in Feb, WL’d in March.

i was waitlisted in january and have no clue when they start reviewing waitlist . The financial aid of this year is already given out (19%) so i believe now they will start reviewing waitlist but god knows. It said by june but you may receive it before too

I’m glad I checked this group. Son applied then, too. Still hasn’t heard. I thought maybe they forgot him. :crazy_face:

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Last year 16 students got off the waitlist and some of those were mid summer. They were horribly overenrolled (by 1,000 students) so trying to keep tighter control over numbers this year, which might mean less were admitted and more will come off the waitlist as spots open up.

I don’t understand how that works. So only 16 people they accepted opted not to go? Or do they over enroll based on what they think their yield will be?

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@Anon48693 , every school offers admission based on projected yield. This is a science for these schools! If a school typically yields about 50% and wants a freshman class of 2000, they’ll accept about 4000.

The WL is typically used to fill in whatever remains after the commitment date. When you see a small #, you can assume their yield protections were pretty accurate.

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@Anon48693 Last year 23,109 students were admitted and 4,875 enrolled. This is almost 1,000 students more than they expected. There were 2,434 waitlisted students and only 16 of those were offered admission.

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Most universities ask to enroll by May 1 and Pitt says they’ll tell us our update on the waitlist by June 1 but doesn’t that mean by that time all of us would have already obviously enrolled somewhere so the Pitt decision would become irrelevant for us? Unless someone decides to reject all unis and wait till june to hear an acceptance from pitt and hopefully get in. How does this waitlist even work… what’s the point of telling us our final decision so late? Either way barely few people will enroll in june in Pitt since in most universities they ask for our final decision in may itself and we wouldn’t reject all just to wait for Pitt .

I am far from an expert, but a parent of a student that went through the whole application process last year. I think Covid had a lot to do with it. It seemed from talking to admissions people that students waited much longer to accept offered spots at Pitt last year than they typically did and then Pitt was shocked at the number that actually chose to attend on May 1. My daughter applied late and got an acceptance letter right away. It was almost as if in March they were afraid they wouldn’t have enough students. As a parent were all holding our breath and trying to decide if classes would be in person in the fall and gambling on if we wanted to commit to sending our kids to another year of online school. It was a difficult decision to make and I know most held out until May 1. Pitt found out having 1000 extra freshmen was not great and it has really strained their system. I’m very interested to see how big the incoming freshman class will be.

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@itmebtw That’s the way college waitlists work, most don’t get off the list until mid summer. You still need to pay the deposit at another school by May 1. If Pitt was your first choice, you just lose the deposit money at the other school and enroll at Pitt if you get off the waitlist. Of course, if not interested you don’t need to accept the spot on the waitlist.

Pitt will have some students who pay their deposit and then get off the waitlist at other schools and reject Pitt. That is called “summer melt” and then they can offer those spots to other students.

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