Placement from your Highschools

<p>What colleges does your school place at mostly</p>

<p>My school regarded as top private school in florida. Class of 175-200 on any given year. On average these are our numbers </p>

<li>University of Florida- 26per year</li>
<li>Florida State University - 10 per year</li>
<li>University of Miami - 7 per year</li>
<li>University of Pennsylvania- 7 per year</li>
<li>Northwestern Unniversity- 7 per year</li>
<li>University of Central Florida- 5 per year</li>
<li>George Washington University- 4 per year</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis- 4 per year</li>
<li>Harvard University- 4 per year</li>
<li>Emory University-4 per year<br></li>

<p>Other Notables: Georgetown (4) Princeton (4) Yale(3) Duke (3) Brown (3)</p>

<p>My school attacks New York and Boston like hawks. </p>

<p>(Well, duh. We -are- right outside Manhattan.)</p>

<p>most go to the nearby community college</p>

<p>top students either go to UF, FSU, USF, or UCF</p>

<li>U of A (state school…the majority end up there)</li>
<li>Some other state school or community college</li>
<li>Vanderbilt (10ish)</li>
<li>WashU (6-7ish maybe)</li>

<p>traveldude–WOW! Our whole state sent like 3 to Yale last year I think. haha</p>

<p>UMD - CP: about 90
Montgomery College: about 150
There are 300 kids in my class ;_;</p>

<li>UMASS Amherst (152)</li>
<li>UMASS Boston (134)</li>
<li>Suffolk University (85)</li>
<li>Northeastern University (65)</li>
<li>Boston University (47)</li>
<li>Bridgewater State College (44)</li>
<li>Johnson and Wales University (42)</li>

<p>Last year I think we sent 1 to Brown, 1 to MIT, and 2 to Harvard.</p>

<li> Community College</li>
<li> Bowling Green State University</li>
<li> University of Toledo</li>
<li> Ohio State</li>

<p>Hooray average public high school.</p>

<p>class of 50
top 50 high school in the nation</p>

<p>we send about half our class to UNC </p>

<p>and besides that its usually no more than 1 or 2 people to any particular school.</p>

<p>Ahh, my public high school of about 2000, and were like the 4th or 3rd top public high school in Minnesota. Our average ACT is 25…</p>

<p>We send most of our kids either to</p>

<li>U of Minn</li>
<li>Iowa State</li>
<li>St. Johns</li>
<li>U of Wis Madison</li>

<p>Haha, my list is kind of intimidating (at least, to me). This is four year’s worth of data, so around 400 kids total, one hundred from each year.</p>

<p>U of Virginia (34)
Georgetown University (24)
U of South Carolina (20)
U of Maryland - CP (19)
U of Notre Dame (18)</p>

<p>We’re a private girls school that shares a fence with Georgetown University.</p>

<p>ETA: Ironmetal, my grandfather is a professor at MC. Oh, the stories he tells…</p>

<p>My school is not at all prestigious, but we do manage to send a few students to top schools. The majority of our student either go to our state schools, UNLV and UNR, but there were two students who got into Emory University and Loyola Marymount University last year. A couple of years back, a student got into the University of Southern California. I’m desperately trying to be the second!! =D</p>

<p>Ooh, hey, I actually did a statistical analysis of this over the summer… um, yeah, I’m a nerd.</p>

<p>Out of a class of 98 students, the most popular choices: </p>

<p>Local community college–19 students
Local state college–10 students
University of Michigan–9 students
Central Michigan University–8 students
Ferris State University–5 students
Kalamazoo College–4 students
Columbia College–3 students
Michigan State University–3 students
Hampton University–3 students</p>

<p>Though we’re a really good magnet school, most students go to the local CC because they just don’t have a lot of money, and scholarships only stretch so far.</p>

<p>On average (out of 100)–</p>

<p>UGA/Georgia Tech (in-state flagships) - 20
Top Public Unis (UVA, Michigan, UNC, etc.) - 15
Top 30 Privates - 15
Ivy League - 5
Other Privates - 30
Other Publics - 15</p>

<p>we have 666 (lol) people in our class and most of them will attend texas tech, university of texas, texas a&m, or oklahoma university.
hopefully i’ll be at stanford, though.</p>

<p>about 10 no where, 10 to la tech, 10 to community college, 10 to various (with like 2-3 at lsu if that), this year 1 to u of arkansas or lyon, 1 to LSU, and me to (hopefully brown or somewhere). </p>

<p>lets just say if i get into my safety Tulane (already accepted) it will be the most “prestigious” university we’ve sent someone to</p>

<p>Probably around 90% of those going on to college go either to a local community college or the local 80% acceptance rate university. </p>

<p>The other 10% go to less prestigious schools around the country.</p>

<p>I’ve NEVER heard of anyone from here going anywhere prestigious.</p>

<p>My school sends about 100 people to local community colleges. 10-15 end up at UCLA/Berkeley. 2 or 3 end up at an Ivy each year (though that varies). Every now and then some nut goes to USC. There are probably also about 50 that go to an assortment of other UC/CSU’s and about 10 at random privates.</p>

<p>like classes of 700-800
100-150: u of florida
450-500: other schools in state/comm college
100: decent schools out of state
30-50: top 25 schools</p>

<p>Class of 650ish
50-100 University of Florida
50-100 Florida State University
100-150 University of Central Florida
and a sizeable chunk go to USF, UNF, and UM. </p>

<p>Last year we had applicants get into Nyu Stern, Johns Hopkinds, Brown, Duke, Northwestern, Tufts, and Vandy.</p>

<p>This year we already have a student who got into MIT, two who got into Duke, and one who got into Columbia.</p>

<p>not quite sure what the exact numbers… but we have a class of about 300</p>

<p>some go to CC (NoVA… we all make fun of it here, but apparently it’s one of the top CCs in the country)
A TON go to VTech, George Mason U, and James Madison U… then you’ve got quite a few that go to UVA and W&M (like me!! three of us have been accepted to W&M already)</p>

<p>only one person in the history of our school has ever gone to an ivy league (cornell) but then again… we’ve only had two graduating classes so far… and one of those classes only had like 70 people.</p>