<p>Does anyone have any idea what the level of difficulty of the math and foreign language tests are? I kinda wish I had opted to take the AP tests I could have taken this month, but I chose not to because I couldn't be sure how I'd score and the placement tests are cheaper. And I'm lazy.</p>
<p>Also, does anyone know exactly what kind of credit you get with the foreign language test? I couldn't find that on the website.</p>
<p>Bump. I was actually just looking at this today. I can’t tell if it’s just to test into the first quarter of Spanish, or if you can test into a higher level…it’s unclear</p>
<p>Yeah, exactly. I’ll be kicking myself in the head if a good amount of credit isn’t awarded with a good score on the test.</p>
<p>so our session starts at 12:40, so i’d imagine we have to show up earlier than that to take our placement tests, anyone know when we do and if we have to register ahead of time or what? and are we allowed to just take the placement test before then if we want to, i feel like ima forget things over the summer. online it says new students SHOULD take it on the day of their A&O, but wondering if i can early, anyone know?</p>
<p>Your A&O session? You should be able to take a placement test before then for sure. You can check the testing schedule, but there’s one around 9 and 11 each day. There is also a fee for each, and you just walk right in, and yes, make sure to show up early.</p>
<p>Hope this helps :)</p>
<p>Bumppp. I think we’re more looking for what kin of credit you can get for math and Spanish placement tests.</p>
For math, I don’t think you get credit. You’re just ‘placed’ into a class (hence ‘placement’ test as opposed to another name for the class’)</p>
<p>For example, if you take the Advanced placement test, you can have between a 68% and a 100% and be placed into Math 124 (First calculus class). You won’t get credit for business math or precalc though.</p>
<p>Info here: [Entry</a> Level Course Information](<a href=“http://www.math.washington.edu/Undergrad/entry-level-courses/placementext.php]Entry”>http://www.math.washington.edu/Undergrad/entry-level-courses/placementext.php)</p>
With languages, people can go into UW with 2 years of HS level class, or more than 2 years.
If you have 2 years or high school language (Spanish 1/2, Chinese 1/2, NOT 3rd year yet) then you have to either take 2 quarters of ‘heritage’ language (think accelerated) or 3 quarters of the first year of language (ie. Chinese 101, 102, 103). </p>
<p>2 ways to get out of this:
- Proficiency test - Designed for people who think they can actually speak/read/write the language/writing system. For example, if you were Chinese (using this example because I’m Asian and I did research on this ;]), grew up speaking Mandarin at home, went to Chinese school, etc… but took 2 years of French in high school, you could take a proficiency test to waive the required language graduation requirement.
- Placement test - Take a placement test and you have to place into at least second year college language. That would be Language 201, 202, 203, etc… You won’t get ‘credit’ but it’s waived, I believe.</p>
<p>…Actually, just typing this up makes me wonder, if you need 180 credits to graduate, and you use one of these methods to waive taking language at UW, do you get 15 credits tacked onto your language requirements? I know with AP/IB it’s a given.</p>
<p>Ok, I’m in 103 in HS so I’ll automatically be in 201. Could I test into 202 or 203 with a placement test?</p>
<p>I think so. A friend of mine placed straight into a 300 level Mandarin class, so it should be okay! </p>
<p>I think 202 is only offered in Winter and 203 in the Spring though. Usually that’s how language series works, I believe.</p>
<p>I’m currently in pre-calculus as a senior (average level at my school). I’m pretty nervous about not placing into a decent math class. Any insight?</p>
<p>What do you consider decent? And I’m sure you’ve posted about this before, but what are you planning on studying, again? There are different math requirements - business has different math from premed and engineering, etc.</p>
<p>I don’t think I’ve posted about this before, but I tend to be redundant haha when it comes to UW stuff… I don’t know what I want to major in, but I am leaning away from the sciences/math areas, so I assume my requirements would be less challenging.</p>
<p>Ah. So my options for fall quarter would be 201 or 300 (assuming I placed that high)?</p>
<p>momomomo - Yes. Do you speak Spanish at home? There is also a ‘heritage’ option that is structured for students who speak X language at home (so they are theoretically ‘better’ at it than X second language students). </p>
<p>ilikeUW - okay, so before you take the placement test, just go over your pre-calc material. I think there are some sample tests online so you can get a feel of what questions will show up. I’m sure you will be fine. :)</p>
<p>Actually I was just looking at the autumn time schedule and 202 and 203 are both offered…now I’m all undecided again!</p>
<p>oh! maybe all three 201/202/203 are offered year round for this language. i highly suggest you talk to an advisor about this (you can email them now if you want). Theyll be able to properly place you in a class.</p>
<p>Good idea! Where do I find their contact info?</p>
<p>Thanks! Very helpful
looks like I’d have to take the 100 placement test to even qualify for the 200 placement test…maybe I’ll just stick with Span 201 :)</p>
<p>Sounds like a plan! :)</p>