placement tests for freshmen?

<p>Well, as some of you know, i was recently accepted off the waiting list and am planning to attend Gtown next year. will i need to take placement tests?</p>

<p>You have to take them for languages, and if you want to skip out of calculus, you have to take the math placement test also. I don't think there are placement exams for any other subjects.</p>

<p>can i skip out of calculus if i do good on the math placement test but don't get a 4 or a 5 on the AP Calc AB test?</p>

<p>I think so, but I think it's one of those things where you still have to take another math class, or Calc 2 or something, and upon completion of that class you get credit for both Calc 1 and 2.</p>

<p>So how hard are these placement tests? I'm kind of worried about the one for spanish</p>

<p>What they told us at the GAAP weekend was that your placement into a Spanish class doesnt depend completely on the placement test. They will sometimes look at your SAT II or AP score. Also if you test into a certain level of Spanish, and then once you start taking the class , you think it is too easy or too hard, they will let you move up or down. Don't worry too much about it.</p>

<p>Talking about GAAP, is there some website where you can see the names of the other accepted students, some web page with registry or register or something (I was accepted later, so I missed out on some things)?</p>

<p>i plan on going to georgetown whats a good SAT and GPA score to get into the school. plus i have many extra curricular activites. and community services thanks!</p>

<p>i think scores ranging from 1300s and up is good to get into GU. of course, this does depend on school you apply to. i heard that SFS and the general college is harder to get into. i'm in NHS (nursing and health studies) and my SAT/GPA/rank was 1410/3.98/5. i had a friend who got into the school of business with a low score, around the middle 1200. he wasn't ranked that high, but was still in the top 20%. then again, a good friend of mine with a 1520 and ranked 3 got waitlisted! it all depends on your other credientials, like a good, rigorous courseload, extracurriculars, and the important alumni interview.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>