***Plan II chances!***

<p>I just sent in all my application goodies, and I was wondering what my fellow CCers see in my future! I know I'm into UT-A in general, but Plan II is a whole new bag of worms :)</p>

<p>Objective Stats:
GPA: 3.98 UW at a very competitive private school
Rank: 1/35 (again, a small but competitive school haha)
SAT: 750 CR, 760 Math, 760 Writing (11 Essay)....a balanced 2270
ACT: 33
SAT IIs: 800 in Literature (taking Math II and World History in a couple of days!)
APs: None offered at my school, but I self-studied AP English Lit and got a 5.</p>

<p>National Merit Semifinalist (so far)</p>

<p>Subjective stuff:</p>

<li><p>ECs include devoted activity in Speech and Debate, Theatre, Mock Trial, and Varsity Basketball. I placed 15th in the nation last year in my particular Speech/Debate event, so I think that shows a pretty nice level of achievement.</p></li>
<li><p>I realize that Plan II cares more about essays than anything else, so here are some of the comments made about the essays I submitted (both from fellow CCers and misc. reviewers):</p></li>

<p>*"Fantastic topic! The opening was great because it makes you want to read further- and it is unified well through the end. You sound confident, but not egotistical."</p>

<p>"This is a profoundly effective essay. Your story of converting a weakness to a strength is compelling. It's risky in the right way, and you pull it off magnificently."</p>

<p>"The best essay I have read so far. Strong opening and closing. Great job."
I happen to think they're pretty good, too. lol :)</p>

<p>-Longtime resident of Austin, Texas (is this a good thing? I was able to talk a lot about the campus and stuff, since I know it so well.)</p>

<p>-Attended the UT Honors Colloquium and visited with the Plan II Director, as well as many professors.....</p>

<p>So, what do you guys think?</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>strong chance :]</p>

<p>95% chance of getting in.</p>

<p>Thanks! Any other thoughts?</p>

<p>You are lookin good. I’d say you’re in.</p>

<p>cool. 80 views and only a couple of responses? C’mon, guys!</p>

<p>Your chances seem strong to me - nice stats, ECs and variety of SAT-IIs. (But if you applied Early Consideration, UT won’t see the World History and Math II scores). The fact that essays count for so much and that others’ consensus on your essays was that they were very good - are strongly in your favor. </p>

<p>One thing I remember from our Plan II visit was that they wanted students who were not laser-focused (my words, not theirs) on whatever it is they want to study and/or do with their lives. They seem to want students who are interested in a broad range of studies. Hopefully, this sentiment rang true either in your 150-word Plan II Academic Essay or in your other 2 longer essays. Or, maybe the diversity of your extracurriculars made that point. </p>

<p>Good luck and I hope you hear good news!</p>

<p>Reading your stats made me realize that I have no chance at getting in. haha.
But its okay…I’m thinking Liberal Arts Honors anyway. I know that kind of has the reputation of being the easiest Honors program…but whatever. Plan II, like AustinHills said is all about diversity of study and for people who don’t really know what they want to do/are good at everything and want to do it all. I don’t really fall into either of those categories, I want a humanities-based education, so required Plan II courses like “Advanced Theoretical Physics” or whatever it is they make you take would not be for me. </p>

<p>But anyway, good luck! I’m sure you’ll be fine. :)</p>

<p>Speaking as a current Plan 2 student, I’d say you have a very legit shot. Lots of students who came from a debate background are in it right now.</p>

<p>Also, if you see these stats and are applying to Plan 2, make sure you realize that not everyone is applying with these stats. </p>

<p>The diversity of students in the program is incredible. Two of my best friends applied to plan 2 with essentially the same resumes and the only difference was one had national merit finalist and a 2300 SAT with an essay he threw together in one night while the other had no national merit standing, 2050 on SAT and a really good essay. The second got in while the other now attends Washington University in St Louis.</p>

<p>^ thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>I feel like my essays were really strong (at least judging from comments made by friends, family, and others), and I answered all three prompts (A, B, and C). My Plan II “Academic Statement” was pretty good, too, so we’ll see…</p>

<p>P.S. yeah, I actually know a Plan II kid who judges Student Congress at some of my tournaments haha. He seemed pretty pleased with it.</p>