<p>When will we know which classes will be webcasted next semester? I am trying to plan some classes and don't wan't to go to really long lectures... What do you guys think about
Physics 7B, Math 54, ME 40, ME C85, Chinese 1BY. That is 19 units.
I am a mech E first year. I am definitely taking Math54, phys7B and Chinese 1BY, but im not sure about the other 2. Does anyone know how E28 is or E10? I have already done E7.</p>
<p>whoa…slow down. You’re already way ahead of the curriculum, so why the hell are you taking 19 units? That’s absolutely crazy unless you’re sure you’re going to do double major. I’d suggest dropping ME40 since you don’t really need it yet. Definitely take E10 now if you don’t want to be sitting in a class full of freshmen during your second year. It’s a lot like freshmen orientation for engineers.</p>
<p>It’s simple: Don’t go to Physics 7B or Math 54 lectures. Lower division lectures are pointless in my opinion, especially physics and math.</p>