<p>Being a farm kid, there never was any sleeping in, I think it’s rude to sleep in and expect to be treated like a guest in your own home. Seems to me that young people want it both ways, want to be treated like adults BUT don’t want any of the responsibilities that come with being an adult. Want to be a part of the family, BUT don’t have time to sit down for dinner and help out with the chores, even if it is just walking the dog. Personally I believe being grumpy or unresponsive in the morning is a choice, we all make a choice to be polite regardless of the time of day, and using the excuse that I’m a college kid and I need 11 hours of sleep is just a really bad way of showing your family that you care. It hurts to be used, it hurts even more to be used by those you would walk through fire for — the life of a parent isn’t easy and there are many hurtful words we have to listen to BUT they are our kids and we love them !</p>