Playful Prep-school Poetry

<p>Here’s the opportunity to reveal your inner bard, and kill time while waiting for 10-March!</p>

<p>The college forum on CC has a Lame-O Limericks thread with a lot of really funny, original college admissions themed contributions. I thought we could have our own prep-school limericks thread.</p>

<p>The cheekier the verse, the better! I’ll start:</p>

<p>Aspiring prep school nominees
Ask what in the heck is HADES?
It’s a fad, unofficial
Acronym so initialed
By serendipitously lettered preppies

<p>Now you add a verse</p>

<p>For those who are unfamiliar w the form for a limerick, here is the definition:
Limerick</a> (poetry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>What? No poets here? OK, here’s some encouragement:</p>

<p>Credit to GSharpM7:</p>

<p>O’er apps her mom could have bopped her.
Missed dates will surely have dropped her.
I’ve got it in gear.
No deadlines are near.
Mom, please get back in your ‘copter.</p>

<p>Credit to NJres:</p>

<p>There once was a kid from Kentucky,
Whose chances at _____ were sucky,
He said with a grin,
Application sent in,
Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky!</p>

<p>Love this! </p>

<p>but the essays have sucked the creative life from me</p>

<p>maybe in a few days i will have some of it back and post here</p>

<p>great idea though</p>

<p>Some ask for recs in October,
Others a few day before.
No matter, all you
can really just do,
is hope that they fill it out sober!</p>

<p>Now that applications have arrived,
We’ll all share a collective sigh.
Until March rolls around,
Then no one’ll sleep sound,
Until they’re accepted or die.</p>

<p>Okay, maybe this one’s a little preachy:</p>

<p>An applicant fit to be tied
When considering schools side-by-side,
Started out in a snit
But relaxed quite a bit,
and found a great FIT through this guide!</p>

<p>or perhaps…</p>

<p>On HADES you’ve rolled your school dice;
Of no other schools will you think twice.
That “go big or go home” thought’s
A bit of a blind spot—
Let’s hope that your local school’s nice.</p>

<p>And, before my brain melts completely…</p>

<p>Though we struggled with apps now and then,
They’re all in and we breathe an “Amen.”
Now the hard part is done
And the waiting’s begun—
Let’s all hope for good news on March 10.</p>

<p>He lazed summer days on his boat,
With dreams of prepping at Choate.
The tests were a breeze,
He was feeling at ease,
Could it be this was too soon to gloat?</p>

<p>They all were obsessed with admittance
Forgetting the actual perseverance;
Getting in takes a flash,
But there’s years to grind, and major cash–
In the end, applying’s just a pittance!!!</p>

<p>There once was a dull boy named Timmy.
His family was loaded with money.
Despite his poor stats,
or calling a student fat,
gaining admittance was easy!</p>

<p>Timmy’s friend was a smug girl named Sally,
who, through her parents (and theirs!) was a legacy.
Her interview was lacking,
in school she was slacking;
she got her rejection call early.</p>

<p>This is too much fun.</p>

<p>If I could give you all just one rule:
About all these preps don’t be fooled
Education’s the thing
Not the college they bring
And remember, it’s only high school</p>

<p>Too many of you worry about chances
Which ECs your application enhances
You fret about scores,
Interviews, and much more
I remember when all we thought of was dances</p>

<p>There were too many kids from Nantucket
New England apps filled the bucket
Said the AO with a yawn
I’d like to sleep before dawn
Let’s take the kid from Detroit and then chuck it</p>

<p>(hey, this is fun!)</p>

<p>The northeastern kids put in their bids
While their parents made charts, ranks and grids
But a bassist from Kansas
Had much better chances
At op’ning the AdComm’s eyelids!</p>

<p>ChoatieMom I love #12!</p>

<p>lol, gotta love “Nantucket” limericks ;)</p>

<p>Credit to neuroticparent:</p>

<p>There once was a grade known as “B”
That meant “Good, you have learned favorably!”
But now it’s assumed
That a B means you’re doomed
So you need to seek help on CC</p>


<p>Bump…This was fun…give it a go!</p>

<p>Can I do a haiku?</p>

<p>Thousands of people all aspired
To many prep schools they inquired
March 10 fin’ly comes
Happy news for some
And life goes on; all leave inspired</p>

<p>Yeah, I need to work on my poetry skills /:slight_smile: </p>