Playing Opportunities for Non-Majors at Frost?

<p>My son wants to major in engineering but continue to play his string instrument at U of Miami. He'd like private lessons at a minimum, and hopefully, a chance to play in the orchestra every semester. Anybody have experience with this?</p>

<p>I copied and pasted the following quote from the Frost School of Music's website:</p>

Certain music courses are available to students not enrolled in a music degree program. Pre-college students, matriculating University of Miami students, and interested community adults may enroll in these courses. Students who are not currently enrolled at the University of Miami but who wish to pursue courses will need to apply as a special student through the Frost School of Music Office of Admission.</p>

<p>Non-music majors wishing to enroll in performance study are required to audition and may, with the permission of the appropriate faculty member and the undergraduate or graduate dean, register for one or two credits a semester upon payment of tuition and an applied music fee of $200.00 per credit. Performance study by non-music majors is subject to teacher availability."</p>

<p>But I'm not exactly sure what they mean by "performance study." Are they referring to classes, as in those required for a minor, like theory and literature? Or are they referring to lessons only? Or are they referring even to those who simply play in the orchestra (if that's even allowed) and therefore take only the ensemble "class." In other words, would it cost an extra $200 per credit hour for every single music credit earned within the Frost School, including private lessons and ensemble?</p>