please answer this is urgent!

<p>For the essay i wrote about how inhumane William Tecumseh Sherman which made him a bad leader; however, i wrote William Sherman Tecumseh (Was writing fast..)will this lower my essay score? or am I safe to stop worrying...?</p>

<p>I don’t believe the Collegeboard grades on facts… rather how well you supported your thesis and flow.</p>

<p>@nothingto1 while that is true, the graders might not give a damn and grade based on facts anyway</p>

<p>@bhp11 if you mentioned his name before correctly in the essay, but then switched the name around later, its more of a grammatical error than factual error but they won’t care since its a tiny mistake</p>

<p>what if it was wrong the whole time? idk if i did it correctly at all</p>

<p>I have high confidence this is a non-issue. This will not have a significant impact on your exam grade. If you don’t get your desired score, it will be because of the effectiveness of your argument, not flipping a person’s name.</p>

<p>There are many test prep tutors out there who have taken the test and written a completely bogus essay (I remember one about MLK Jr living in the 17th century). These essays consistently get top scores because they are judged on the writing ability, not on the facts. The graders consider each “fact” as a placeholder for the real information; you are showing that given an appropriate amount of time, you would go do your research and insert the correct information.</p>