Please chance an asian legacy ed Wharton app

<p>I'm at incoming senior at Milpitas High and my choices of schools are: (not including safeties)
UCLA for actuarial studies
UCSB for actuarial studies
Dartmouth for econ/stats
U of Chicago for econ/stats
Berkeley for econ/stats
USC for econ/stats
NYU for actuarial science
UCSD for econ/stats
These are just the main ones I'm looking at right now but my #1 choice is Wharton.</p>

4.4 Weighted GPA I will have a total of 8 weighted classes including senior year (which is actually what my schools tries to limit people for some stupid reason) and I began to take community college courses (5 total including senior year)
somewhere in the low 3.9 unweighted</p>

<p>Standardized Tests:
I plan to send in my ACT scores but I did not take an official ACT yet.
I have taken the SAT and my score for colleges is 2090 but that was with limited studying along with finals and a lot of other stuff. Still have no intention of taking SAT again.
750 Bio subject test and have not taken math 2 subject test yet but I will.
Very weak part of my app but working hard to improve it greatly.</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:
[This is everything I have done. There are things that I am no longer a part of.]
President of 3 clubs- one is FBLA, the business club and one is working with the Santa Clara Public Health Dept and another is not very important
VP of Digital Business Academy
President of the student company that was a part of the Junior Achievement Business Program
Attended Semi High Tech U which is an engineering conference
Attended a leadership conference
Student Leader of Community Advocates which is a county wide club dedicated to youth fighting tobacco use
Played football and track for one year (separate years)
Officer for Science Olympiad
Social Media Outreach Intern for Vision Literacy a nonprofit dedicated to teaching adults English (5 hours a week)</p>

<p>Main Commitments:
Project Manager Intern for Camara a nonprofit dedicated to improving education in poor areas with computers (Responsible for leading a team to reach out to school districts to get them to donate computers) 10 hours a week
Team Leader Intern for Ro Khanna for Congress Campaign (I'm in charge of running the campaign in the city I live in-Milpitas ) 30 hours a week
ASB Commissioner
Starting up a nonprofit/program dedicated to bringing free all subject tutoring and computer science classes to kids around the Bay Area </p>

<p>I may be forgetting other things because I do a lot outside of school but yeah I'm just trying to get as much work experience and get as involved as I can in the community as I can. I really hope my ec's can carry me in. I know it seems like I do a lot and I don't have dedication for a few things but this is the stuff from all the past years and I do put in over 35+ hours a week for my ec's</p>

<p>It is to my understanding that it is even harder to get into ivy leagues when your school is super competitive and everyone applies and everyone has great stats. HOWEVER, the people at my school don't usually apply for ivy leagues (despite lots of people having really good stats) and the few people that applied got in. We do have an increasing number of people go to ivy leagues every year so I'm hoping this trend helps me. My high school is ranked top 4% in nation so I'm hoping that will help substantiate my grades since I didn't come an easy school (it was pretty competitive).</p>

<p>Please chance me, especially for Wharton and I HAVE LEGACY FOR WHARTON as my grandpa graduated with a degree in econ so I hope that helps my chances. I am also for sure applying to u of Chicago for early acceptance and I am also doing early decision for Wharton because I know that I want to end up there.</p>

<p>I was also wondering if anyone knows how competitive it is to get into actuarial science for college because if it is obscure that will help a lot.</p>

<p>Wharton ED: high reach (low reach ED if you can get your SAT/ACT up)
UChicago EA: mid-reach (don’t think EA really helps at UofC since it’s non-binding, unrestrictive)
Dartmouth: low/mid reach
UC’s are high match/low reach I think. </p>

<p>Wharton ED: low reach, especially with ED
UChicago: low reach, know someone much less qualified who got in EA
Dartmouth: low reach
NYU: low match (unless Stern; then high match)
UCB and UCLA and USC: high match
Rest of UC’s: match/low match</p>

<p>With everything you accomplished, I think that you have proven you have the ability to be successful. I think you’ll succeed even if you dont go to a great college. Nonetheless, you should most likely get into at least one of the non-UC’s, and a couple UC’s. Very competitive</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;
Please help a fellow Asian out!</p>

<p>Wharton ED: Low reach (YOU SHOULD ED!! but you still need to work on test scores)
UChicago EA: EA doesn’t help much, high reach (unless you can get a great ACT score)
Dartmouth: mid reach, work on test scores
All UCs are high match except Berkeley which is mid reach.
NYU is a match. </p>

<p>Good luck! Great ECs!</p>

<p>@BrownStudent19 Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I know my test scores are crap but will having at least 34 ACT make me a low reach to Dartmouth and UChicago?</p>

<p>Yeah I think so. Dartmouth would be a very low reach. UChicago would fall into mid reach I think. U Chicago is really unpredictable and so tough, but you’d still have a good chance. A kid from my school got into Harvard with a 34 ACT (though he did have a ~2340 SAT). His ECs were not anywhere as good as yours but he was the valedictorian. </p>

<p>Hi there! Great stats-- like everyone else said, your test scores will hurt you. Raise them and you’ll be a more competitive applicant. Besides test scores, you have an really good GPA and excellent EC’s that really demonstrate your focus in business and economics. </p>

<p>U Chicago, Dartmouth-- mid reaches
Wharton – low reach
UCB - low reach
UCLA - high match
UCSD, UCD, UCSD - match
UCSB, UCSC - low match
NYU - match</p>

<p>Focus on acing the ACT and your essays and you’re good to go. Best of luck-- I’m sure you’ll succeed wherever you end up. </p>

<p>Wharton = reach
University of Chicago = mid reach
Dartmouth = low reach
Cal, UCLA = high match
I’m pretty sure the other UCs are matches for you!</p>

<p>Chance me back?
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’d say Wharton ED is a reach/low reach with those ECs. Just get test scores up.</p>

<p>Great GPA! Course rigor-unknown ( seems like you are taking the hardest classes). SAT is below avg for these schools like Dartmouth, Wharton, and Uchicago. I don’t think your grandfathers legacy will help too much. ED to Wharton looks appealing to admission officers. Amazing EC’s
Wharton- unlikely acceptance due to scores
Dartmouth- unlikely
Uchicago- maybe (EA doesn’t help too much)
USC- probably
ucla- prob
NYU- yes
UCSD- yes
Hope u get into Wharton! Good luck</p>

<p>Wharton ED: low reach
UChicago: low reach,
Dartmouth: low reach
NYU: low match
UCB, UCLA, USC: high match
Rest of UC’s: match/low match</p>

<p>Very competitve overall</p>

<p>Imo, these are your chances:</p>

<p>UCLA for actuarial studies = 20% admit, 70% waitlist, 10% reject.
UCSB for actuarial studies = 90% admit, 9% waitlist, 1% reject.
Wharton = 5% admit, 80% defer, 15% reject
Dartmouth for econ/stats = 20% admit, 20% waitlist, 60% reject
U of Chicago for econ/stats = 30% admit, 40% waitlist, 30% reject
Berkeley for econ/stats = 10% admit, 30% waitlist, 60% reject
USC for econ/stats = 20% admit, 70% waitlist, 10% reject
NYU for actuarial science = 40% admit, 50% waitlist, 10% reject
UCSD for econ/stats = 40% admit, 50% waitlist, 10% reject. </p>

<p>You need a good ACT scores. Your extracurriculars are solid, but for ivy league admissions they won’t be considered until your academics are on par with the rest of the asians applying. At the moment it seems like you are too focused on your extracurriculars to donate sufficient time towards academics. </p>

<p>Also, Milpitas High gives much better GPA’s than MV/Lynbrook/the other Bay Area schools, so I don’t think competitive school will pass as an excuse for the GPA. </p>