Please chance an Asian male for Princeton!

<p>Hey guys, I would be really grateful if you would take two minutes to chance me for the following schools:</p>

Ohio Wesleyan

<p>SAT Scores:</p>

<p>SAT 1: 600 CR, 720 M, 720 W
SAT 2: 640 Chem, 700 Math 2, 710 Physics</p>

<p>My scores are pretty low as I was suffering from Tuberculosis during the time I took them. My high school principal confirmed this in a medical certificate and even my proctor has written to each University about how I was not able to sit for each section for the stipulated time.</p>

<p>High School:</p>

<p>GPA UW: 4/4
GPA W: 4/4
Class Rank: 1/250 (Valedictorian, although most Asian schools don't use that term)</p>

<p>School Type: Public</p>

<p>Academic Accolades:</p>

<p>1)Participated twice in the International Olympiad in Informatics.
2)Participated once in the International Astronomy Olympiad.
3)Cleared all the levels of NTSE (National Honours Society equivalent).
4)Cleared the National Physics Olympiad once.
5)Cleared the National Chemistry Olympiad twice.
6)Cleared the National Mathematics Olympiad twice.
7)Won the Computer Star Contest, which is a national contest for High School students.</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>

<p>1)President of School Council in Senior year and prefect for the junior 3 years.</p>

<p>2)I have my own NGO which employs 169 people and caters to over 4000 children living in Delhi's slums.</p>

<p>3)I have beena Tri-Varsity athlete and am the captain of my high school Basketball team. I'm a nationally ranked basketballer. </p>

<p>4)Have received a myriad national awards for Basketball, Soccer, Tennis and Swimming.</p>

<p>5)I have played the Saxophone from when I was five and am the lead saxophonist for my high school band.</p>

<p>6)I have acted in and directed a number of national productions of theatrical plays.</p>

<p>7)I have published my own research papers and have delivered lectures before professionals.</p>

<p>8)President of School Astronomy Club.</p>

<p>9)I'm a stellar debater and have been listed amongst the top ten under 18 debaters in my country.</p>


<p>1)Treasurer of an International Organisation.</p>

<p>2)Night manager of a bakery for several months.</p>

<p>3)Floor manager of a famous cinema.</p>

<p>4)I teach underpriviliged kids for free at my own NGO.</p>

<p>5)Interned with 2 nationally reputed corporate houses during the summers.</p>


<p>Great! One of them says that I'm the best student my teacher has taught in her entire life. The one by my Principal is so emotional that it brought tears to my eyes when I read it.</p>

<p>Main Essay:</p>

<p>Great! About my father who is suffering from cancer.</p>

<p>Please chance me,I would be very grateful.</p>


<p>Also, what does "Bump" mean?</p>

<p>Princeton-very high reach
Harvard-very high reach
Yale-very high reach
Dartmouth-high reach
Columbia-very high reach
American-i dont know
Ohio Wesleyan-match maybe safety
Rice-match/slight reach
Marquette-i dont know
Tulane-match/slight reach</p>

<p>I'd say you have a good shot because of your ECs/awards. However, why didn't you retake the SATs that were affected by your illness?</p>

<p>What does "Very high reach" mean?</p>

<p>Pardon me for my ignorance.</p>

<p>Also, I didn't take the SATs again as all the dates were over. I took my SAT 2s in November and SAT 1 in December.</p>

<p>Guys, please note that my ECs are more extensive than those mentioned. I have only given a few examples. My app has many more.</p>

<p>You from Delhi? :) Which school? I used to live in Delhi too.. Anyhow, I think your EC's are great and your SAT's are pretty decent considering the circumstances.. Also you seem to have done a great deal of community service too.. I think you are a pretty well rounded applicant! All the best!!</p>

<p>Can you take the SAT in January? Its your biggest weakness.</p>

<p>As an Asian, I obviously won't be classisfied as a URM, but considering the amount of Extracurricular and Academic achievement I have gained despite being in a country like India, where opportunities are few and rare, am I at any kind of an advantage?</p>

<p>My ECs are varied (Please note that I haven't mentioned all of them), so coming from a nation with less opportunities, do you think I have a plus point?</p>

<p>Also, do International Olympiads qualify as "hooks"?</p>

<p>@ slipper1234</p>

<p>I have my preboards in January and most schools wouldn't consider Jan scores anyway. I hope they would consider my principal's letter.</p>

<p>I think most adcoms know the kind of opportunities available in various countries. Also the school you come from makes quite a difference. If you come from a school where many EC's are not offered and you still have a good record, then its favourable.... International Olympiads are definitely hooks! What major are you applying to?</p>

<p>I'm applying for the Princeton AB.</p>

<p>Personally I think the SATs are much more important than your pre-boards. Your letter won't do much honestly. At best it will allow them to consider January scores. Your preboards really wont matter to US colleges, your SAT is dangerously low however.</p>

<p>Well, my SAT scores are within the Univs range and the deadline has gone.</p>

<p>SAT score is much too low for ivies...</p>

<p>Very good ECs and achievements. So extensive to the point that I think adcoms would be quite skeptical of them. Where'd you find the time?</p>

<p>How's your school reputation? Does it send students to the top universities?</p>

<p>A word of warning: SAT score ranges are deceptive. Those in bottom 25th percentile tend to be URM, recruited athletes, legacies or developmental admits. The typical accepted applicant tend to score much higher, especially internationals.</p>

<p>You have an alright shot. Colleges will look at what you did with the opportunities presented to you so, yes, that is at your advantage. However your CR score is a little low though.</p>

<p>Are you going to try to get recruited for any sports? Being an athlete could be a "hook."</p>

<p>Yeah the "range" is misleading. I interview for an Ivy and I've written fantastic recs for great kids with less than 2100 SATs, and 0% of them have been accepted regardless of ECs or rank.</p>

<p>I would use the sickness to have them let you take the January SAT. They are likely to do this. But don't expect a boost because of sickness. They need to see solid scores, nothing can change this.</p>

<p>u would definitely get in if it wasn't for being an international applicant =) if you could just improve your SATs to over 2200 (lol, math olympiad?? easy 800!!!) you could have a GREAT chance. also did u win any medals at IOI?</p>

<p>Ok... I'll register for it...</p>

<p>Though I know of a girl who got into Princeton this year with a score of 2070 from India.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice.</p>