Please chance me for the UC's

Asian Male

Upper Middle Class

Live in CA

Uc Gpa: 3.91 uw/4.27 capped weighted/4.64 uncapped weighted

Sat: 1380 6/5/6 (will retake for 1450+)

Molecular Biology major for all UC’s except for UCB and UCLA where I’m an economics major (looking at Haas for UCB)

Ec: Key Club Treasurer, Science Olympiad Treasurer, Teen Service Projects Chair, Hiking Club secretary, Make-A-Wish Vice President, library volunteer, school ambassador, unpaid math tutor to other high school kids, and I teach karate to kids outside of school

Personal statement/essay is 8/10 (I feel like I’m a pretty good writer, but my topic is slightly cliche)

Trilingual (Mandarin, Vietnamese, and English)

No hooks

Competitive school

School doesn’t rank, but I estimate I’m top 5% out of a class of 580 people (Elc)

Upward trend from Freshman-Junior year(got 2 C’s freshman year)

Ap Scores: Ap Lang(5), Apush(4), Ap bio(3), Ap Euro(3)-Ap Scholar with Honor

Awards: AP Scholar with Honor, Key Club Volunteer Recognition, Scioly medalist at regionals, and “academically gifted” award where I can graduate high school as either Summa Cum Laude or Magna Cum Laude

As you are, you are a competitive applicant for all of the UCs, though, another 80-100 SAT points will help at the most competitive among them

good luck

I concur with @NCalRent’s assessment. Just make sure you would be happy attending any of the UC’s including UC Riverside and Santa Cruz. If not, consider adding some other safety schools to your list.