Chance me for the UC's

Upper-Middle Class

Live in CA

1470 Sat (740/730) 6/5/5

Uc Gpa: 3.91 uw/4.27 capped weighted/4.64 fully weighted

Major: Business Econ

Ec: Key Club Treasurer (over 100+ hours), Teen Community Service Projects Chair, Science Olympiad Head of Engineering (over 100+ hours), Young Adult Group Social Media Director, Make-A-Wish Vice President, library volunteer (over 100+ hours), Hiking Club Treasurer, “Head of Customer Acquisition” for a friend’s start up company, where I basically pitch the company to clients (helped save $20k for clients), unpaid math tutor for kids and peers, unpaid karate trainer for kids

No hooks

Upward Trend Freshman-Junior years (got a 3.4 gpa uw with 2 “C’s” my freshman year and 3.9 uw my sophomore and junior years)

Elc eligible (top 9% of class for Uc’s)

Awards: Ap Scholar with honor, scioly medalist at regionals, Key Club award for exceeding a certain amount of hours, and “academically gifted” where I can graduate as Summa or Magna Cum Laude

Will have taken 11 Ap’s out of the 23 my school offers at end of Senior year.

Essays: 8/10- my topic is cliche, but I believe I am a good writer

Ap Scores: Lang(5), Ush(4), Bio(3), Euro(3), (other scores still in progress)

You are a strong and qualified applicant for all the UC’s but consider UCLA/UCB Reach schools for all applicants. Best of luck and I am sure you will have several great options in the Spring.

Which schools would you consider matches and safeties for me?

Safeties: UCM/UCR/UCSC
High Match: USCS

This is based on your academics. When it comes to how your EC’s and essays are viewed then it is always very subjective so you never know since the UC’s can be very unpredictable.