Please chance me for UCLA, UCI, and UCB?

I am currently a junior. Please help chance me for UCLA, UCI, or UCB, it would mean a lot! I’m incredibly scared for college applications/admissions.

Sophomore Year:
AP World History A/A
Precalculus A/A
H Chemistry A/A
Spanish 2 A/A
H English A/A

Junior Year (I did bad first semester):
AP Calc AB B/A
AP US History B/A
AP Physics 1 B/B
AP English Language A/A
Spanish 3 A/A

UC Weighted GPA: 4.25
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.83
Class Rank: 17/425

What I Plan to Take Senior Year:
AP Calc BC or AP Stats
AP Psychology or AP Music Theory
AP Literature
AP Civics
AP Spanish

ASB - 11-12
Senior Class President c/o 2018 - 12
President of FIDM Fashion Club 11-12
Treasurer for Student’s For Animal Relief 11-12
ICC Rep for K9 Club 11-12
National Honor Society (NHS) (100 volunteer hours) 10-12
Red Cross 10-12
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) 10-12
Girl’s League 11-12
Vietnamese Student Alliance 11-12
Mariner Mentors 11-12 (school program where we mentor incoming freshmen)

(Future) Awards/Titles:
AP Scholar
AP Scholar with Distinction/Honor (I’m not sure yet)
Principle Honor’s Roll 9-12
Seal of Biliteracy

Other/Outside School Activities (not sure if this even matters):
(I plan to Volunteer more this Summer, or possibly get an internship.)

(New) SAT Score: 1350 (I know, I’m retaking it in August)
I’m taking ACT and SAT II in US History and Math 2 in June.
I am hoping for at least a 33 or a 1500 on my ACT/SAT.

Possible Majors/About Me:
I am thinking about majoring in film studies, or perhaps some subject in liberal arts; like humanities, culture & media, journalism, creative writing, literature, etc. I’m not really too sure at this point though, but I know I love to travel and hope to incorporate my enthusiasm for traveling in a future career.
I might even want to minor in Computer Science because I enjoy technology, website creating (I used to blog), and video-editing in my spare time.
I would say I am quite artistic and creative, but I don’t have any “official” experience in art or film nor do my courses in high school showcase any of my artistic abilities (My school does not offer many electives and I’ve, in all honesty, been taking classes for the GPA boost and prestige, rather than because I like them. However, this has probably backfired on me because as you can see I received B’s in half of my classes first semester)
I used to want to major in fashion or just be able to work in the fashion industry, but I also feel like I have no real experience besides a short modeling position for a store a couple of months ago (which does not count as experience, in my opinion).
If only there were a career that I could combine all of my enthusiasms into one!

ANYWAY (that was off topic^), let me know what my chances are at UCLA, UCI, or UCB and how I can improve them (besides a better SAT/ACT score which I am working on)

Also, not sure if this matters (I see other people are including this), but my ethnicity is Vietnamese/Laos (asian) and my dad has earned a Bachelor’s Degree from CSULB, but my mom did not go to school at all.

UC’s do not consider Race/Ethnicity and since your Dad earned a Bachelor’s degree, you are not a first generation student- so no extra bumps.

Based on your posted grades, I get a UC GPA of 4.20 (Capped weighted) and a 4.40 (Fully weighted). ASB/PE do not count.

Based on your UC GPA and test scores, you are within range for UCI, UCLA and UCB. Test scores are on the low side for UCB and UCLA. You have good EC’s but nothing stands out. Write some outstanding essays and it could help your chances.

Apply widely to the UC’s so include Santa Cruz/Riverside as good solid Low Match/Safety schools since the UC’s can be unpredictable.

Based on your UC GPA (capped weighted):

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

Best of luck.