Please chance me. Thanks :)

<p>Chances for UCB, UCSD, UCD, and UCSB?</p>

<p>I got ELC guaranteed for UCD and UCSB.</p>

<p>UC GPA (10-11th): 4.0</p>

<p>SAT I: 1500</p>

community colleges (4.0 GPA total)</p>

<p>It is really good that you have ELC, but I’d say Berkeley is probably a stretch with those SAT scores and maybe GPA. UCSD will be difficult, too, because of the point system they use in making decisions. Are you planning to take the exam again by any chance?</p>

<p>It’s awesome that you are working towards so many CC and AP units, though! I know from experience that it’s really cool to have junior (or even senior) standing as a first year student. You’ll probably have great enrollment times, no GEs, and access to certain classes before all your friends! It’s so good, in fact, that I would suggest that you apply as a junior transfer next year if you don’t get in where you really want to go right now as a freshman applicant.</p>

<p>I am planning to take the ACT next week :). Hopefully I will do well on that. What I meant to put was my overall high school GPA is 4.0 but my UC GPA is 4.185. I am going to continue with my rigorous course schedule next semester and hopefully Cal will see this. I don’t have many ECs, but hopefully the amount of college courses I have taken will show them I am a fit for their school.</p>