<p>Currently Junior taking
2 AP classes(Bio and English) 2 Honors (Chem and Pre-Calc)
Total AP classes taken: 3
Total Honors classes besides AP: 6
3 Years of Foreign Language: Spanish 3 years </p>
<p>AP Exam taken: AP Euro - 5</p>
<p>GPA through 5 semesters(unweighted): 4.00
GPA through 5 semesters(weighted): 4.33</p>
<p>Planned Senior classes: AP Econ-micro/regular gov, APES, AP Physics B, AP Calculus, regular English</p>
<p>Athletics: JV soccer 2 years, Freshmen basketball, Freshmen track and field
Freshman Basketball Coach's Award</p>
<p>Extra Curricular
Clubs: CSF(california scholarship federation) 2 years, KeyClub 2 years
Volunteer: Hospital (50 hours), Peer Tutoring (16 Hours), KeyClub (50+ Hours)</p>
KeyClub Co-President(elected), Assistant Coach for an Elementary School soccer team(As community service)</p>
<p>PSAT: 197
SAT: Haven't taken one yet, but practice SATs at my SAT prep place, anywhere between 1950 - 2100 (rarely under 2000) depending on my condition
SAT II: Planning to take Korean, Biology, Math IIC</p>
-Fluent in English and Korean
-Various mini awards for excellence in classes
-May possibly participate in Summer College Biomedical research program
-May join other clubs for leadership (sportsmedicine or interact)
-May go for a minor ASB position</p>
2)Top 20 Colleges (Johns Hopkins, Rice, Chicago, WA in St.Louis, etc.)
<p>Thank you</p>