Please Chance Me

<p>• WI in state
• 3.83 unweighted, 4.0 weighted
• 32 ACT (34 Math)
• 7 APs, all honors/advanced courses, including 7 science classes, French V, etc.
• Captain Varsity Tennis
• VP Model UN
• Science Olympiad and Future Business Leaders of America - award winner in regional competitions
• National Honor Society
• AP Scholar w/Honors
• 2013 Excellence in Science Education Award - given by H.S. Science Dept. for being to top students in Chemistry
• DJ for school dances and charity events
• Strong teacher (AP classes) recommendations
• 2 summers participated in Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth (WCATY) ALP - two intensive college
level courses at UW Madison</p>

<p>I think you will definitely get in, but it may depend on which college major you are applying for, as some programs are more competitive than others. </p>

<p>Great chance. Admission to UW is to the whole university regardless of intended major. </p>

<p>Your college record can determine admission to some of the majors later. </p>

<p>@mommyrocks - Question: what do you mean when you say “it may depend on which college major you are applying for”?</p>

<p>@Madison85 Some universities have different admissions criteria or levels of competition for different colleges within the university, so which college your major is offered through may impact whether you’re admitted to your chosen college/major right away or not. There could be more people with higher test scores and GPA’s all trying to get into the College of Engineering than the College of Letters and Science, for example, so if someone were planning to major in engineering, they may have more competition for admission to that program. This is from Wisconsin’s website regarding engineering admissions, as an example: “A high school graduate admissible to the university as a whole is also admissible to the College of Engineering in most all cases.” Notice the “in most all cases,” leaving room for exceptions. However, like someone above said, if someone were not admitted to the College of Engineering right away, they could request to join it later after proving themselves in their other courses at the university.</p>

<p>But- remember admissions to competitive majors is based on COLLEGE, not HS record. Any student set on a given major should always search the subsite for their majors of interest at all U’s. UW students do preengineering, logical since most required courses are of the math and sciences in L&S. Stating a major (which can later be changed at any time) helps in advisor assignment for SOAR (summer orientation…). </p>

<p>The “most cases” exception would reflect the student who did poorly in prerequisite courses-not doing well in calculus, chemistry or physics at UW would mean the student is not prepared for the engineering classes which build on that foundation. The wording should not scare students but is there to not make false promises. Even those schools who admit can kick students out of a program if they do not perform satisfactorily, ie continue to meet the minimum gpa standards et al.</p>

<p>Some students will choose U’s that offer acceptance to their desired field instead of taking the chance they won’t get in later. Those that are confident in their ability to succeed in their chosen field will not worry about being able to get into their major. Some will take the secure direct admission to business at another U instead of needing to apply to the Business School at UW (there are a very few direct admits to that for freshmen, and those students can always change to another school/college- their admission also includes the whole U). There are a few majors with limited enrollments and so are very competitive. This is because there are only so many facilities available and limiting admissions guarantees those in the major will get the courses and quality they need. Again, check the UW website if you are set on a specific engineering or other field.</p>

<p>The bottom line. Don’t worry about it too much. Know you have flexibility once admitted to UW- you are not restricted to the major you start with.</p>

<p>I applied undecided, but I’m leaning towards a major in physics or bioscience. I got A’s in AP Calculus, AP Biology, Physics I and Physics II and Chemistry and an A+ in AP Statistics. Given my grades and the two majors I’m most interested in, do you think I have a pretty good shot at getting accepted to UW Madison? UW Madison is my absolute first choice. Since I applied a week after the priority deadline date (I was waiting on some information to include in application) is there a chance I may hear back before the end of March? The thought of having to wait close to four months for an answer is torture. </p>

<p>Yes, your overall gpa and other stats make you a probable admit. Assuming you do go to UW I highly recommend you check on the Honors Program and courses such as Honors Calculus, Chemistry and/or Physics as a freshman with Honors Biocore after you have taken Organic Chemistry. Once you are in college, regardless of which school you attend, you will be better able to refine your path based on your developing interests and college experiences.</p>

<p>For now, all you can do is apply and wait for decisions. You can research and dream but do NOT worry. Your future will unfold in a timely manner.</p>

<p>Many thanks for all the great advice!</p>