Chance me......College of engineering will i be accepted?

High School GPA: 3.8
College GPA: 3.3 (first semester) looking to improve second semester
ACT: 26
2 letters of recommendation
4 years of basketball (Senior Captain) in high school 4 of track
Volunteer work:
Big brothers big sisters
Taught kids how to play basketball
Inpatient pharmacy at hospital
Rotary club decorating
I was already accepted to College of engineering at Madison as a senior in high school but decided not to attend

Concentrate on your academics so you can succeed at UW. Likely to be admitted to the university, you will need to meet the requirements of the engineering college to be admitted to a major there. Those can be found on the UW website.

My GPA didn’t go as planned so i either have a 3.15 to a 3.21. Since i was accepted directly to the school of engineering in high school, do you think i will be accepted into the school directly as a transfer student? I’m unsure if i meet the requirements i’m just curious.

It seems like not many transfers are getting in.

I’ve read from numerous sources that Madison accepts about 50% of their transfer applicants and I’ve also heard that its easier to get into a college as a transfer. I hope it helps that i was already accepted in high school. What do you think my odds are of being accepted to the university itself not necessarily to the college of engineering.

Make plans to be/not be accepted.

I will…So it doesn’t look like i’m going to get in?

Keep asking- like an annoying kid trying to get the answer wanted by bugging mom. Yes/no- final answer. Why should we know???

What dorms most engineering students choose and really like?

It does not matter at all what your major is in choosing your freshman dorm. Choose it based on where you want to live for the school year. Some like/dislike what others feel the opposite about. First consider the area of campus that most appeals to you-Southeast or Lakeshore. Also consider any extra charges- how tight your housing budget is. All dorms are well maintained regardless of their age- you choose the style. Anyone can eat anywhere so meals can be at any location regardless of which dorm you are in. Also, same food. You may want to live closer to a dining hall or a snack bar although there is delivery for some snack foods.

See the Res Halls website for all of the descriptions. of dorms and eating places. Look at lofting guides for some room pictures. Use Google Earth to get an idea of where things are.

You can’t be sure you will get your first choice so be sure to rank all choices- usually putting all Lakeshore or all Southeast ahead of the other side of campus. Some like Learning Communities- check them out and see if any appeal to you. In the past all dorms available to freshmen have designated at least 50% freshmen, however the most popular dorms will have more returning students than freshmen taking the most desirable rooms.

You will be able to revise your choices by the final dorm choice date in the spring so don’t worry right now. btw- there are no specific dorms for honors, engineering, business or any other majors- there are only learning communities. Freshman engineering students will have mainly L&S classes, which could be anywhere on campus. Sometimes sections of courses are held in a different building than their department.

My ancient history, eons ago experience, was that friends in the same major had different tastes in living spaces. Likewise you are much more than your proposed major- you have different facets/interests et al.

Consider the environment you like to de-stress in. Do you want quiet and nature or action close by? Do you want high rise or small, oldest or newest, etc? There are libraries to study in all over campus- it doesn’t need to be the one related to your classes.

Who knows what dorms most engineering students choose and really like? There is no survey process. Engineering students live in every dorm, and probably some like and some dislike their dorm.

While many freshmen enjoy the party reputation / atmosphere of Sellery and Witte, many rank it last. All residence halls must be ranked and obviously not every student gets her first choice (as far as I know, students who rank a Learning Community first normally receive that assignment). Students in a Learning Community can participate as much or as little as they choose in those extra activities.

Ok-Thanks for this feedback!