Please Chance Me!

I’m rising senior OOS student from CA, and completed my freshman year in othet country, non English speaking one. But still I have the U. S. citizenship
UW gpa 3.72
W gpa 3.93(Have taken 2 AP classes so far and will take 4 more next year. Our school does not weigh honors class sadly)
ACT 30 (Eng 26 Math 32 Reading 33 Science 30)
New SAT 1410 (Math 760 Eng 650)
I have never taken Toefl since while I know some of Universities I am about to apply require me to take due to my freshmen year abroad, UW Madison demands TOEFL for “international student”, which is technically not my case.
just a few clubs, sports, as well as awards basing on my grade… our school just hands out a lot of awards

Asian male.
Undecided Major if i can. Really i don’t know what I want to do.

Oh forgot to mention my AP scores if needed
AP Composition 3
AP ush 4

Son’s large Wisconsin HS did not weight grades and UW uses only unweighted grades. Your HS stats look good for being admitted, worth your while to apply.

Students are admitted to the whole university at UW, regardless of the intended major. You will discover more about your self, likes, abilities and possible majors in college. Most students are either undecided or change majors once starting college. You will start with courses that will lead to a major or at least help fulfill breadth requirements. Coming from California you are not a foreign student- spending a year abroad won’t matter. Plus, you are a US citizen. It sounds like math/science is your forte- many good departments for that at UW-Madison. It does not hurt to use your senior year to learn the most in your weaker areas (although still strong) - writing and reading skills benefit everyone.

So- enjoy your senior year but do not become a slacker.

However, see below (from ):

Students ARE admitted to the university regardless of intended major. The caveat is that later on some may not be able to get the specific major desired. Some schools admit students to specific programs and students may try to game the system by choosing one they think will get them admitted. btw- most will choose a major in L&S, with no restrictions to date.