Please Chance Me!

<p>So here are my academics
Unweighted: 3.3
Weighted: 4.5
Taking AP Classes, 4 this year, gpa will bump by end of the year
ACT score: 29 (only taken once)
Waiting on my SAT II scores</p>

over 1500 hours
president of the Friendship Circle in my area( babysitt autistic children and play with them) in the works of making a documentary film about autistic children and hope to enter it into film festivals as well.
Coach of a community basketball league
had a film in the Miami Jewish Film Festival
Numerous Hours from my drama shows
roles in my school's productions- major roles
Ensemble member of a professional show in Florida
leader of a community group- eight habits of the heart at my school
numerous Honor societies
attened New York Film Academy for 3 weeks ( summer)
took a college acting course for credit at Miami Dade College ( 10th grade summer)
attending 6 week theatre,film,improv program at UCLA
won an award-critics choice(highest honor) for a play i wrote at State Festival
received Best Drama Student award at my school</p>

<p>Sports: I played football, and Lacrosse for my school.</p>

<p>I dont know if it matters, But I am Hispanic, also. I live in florida so i am out of state for these schools(except UF). What are my chances at...</p>

University of Chicago
U of Florida

<p>if anyone can recommend any other 4 year schools in LA or NYC- that would be greatly appreciated
Thank You</p>

<p>You really need to work on that unweighted GPA. Its hard to realize how many students there are with EC's similar to or better than yours but have much better academics. Also, study or even hire a tudor for the ACT, its important to get into the 30's. I would say high reach at UCLA, Northwestern, reach at USC, NYU, Chicago, high match at Brandeis and low match at Florida</p>

<p>Florida is not a low match, they are drastically reducing their acceptance rate.</p>

<p>You really need some safeties other that Florida. Think lesser known but challenging state schools. After all, you could (though probably won't) get rejected to all but Florida, and then you have no selection.</p>

<p>How in the world is ur UW so low?</p>

<p>how is the W more than a point lower than the UW?</p>

<p>i have taken a lot of AP courses- that is why my Weighted is so much higher. Also, my extra curriculars are def. better than most- one of the best in my school and i go to one of the most competitive public schools in the country.
but yea i have safety schools i just didnt list them because i know i will get into them
thanks for the replies though- if you guys know anyother schools that i should look into- if you wouldnt mind recommending them</p>

<p>also- i dont think a 3.3-3.4 is a low UW if you are taking difficult courses</p>

<p>A 3.3/3.4 GPA is a low UW GPA for NYU, USC, UCLA, and Northwestern, regardless of the difficulty of your courses. Though your AP courseload is large, so will be those of your fellow applicants, and statistically at NYU, USC, UCLA, and Northwestern their UW GPAs will be higher. Like it or not that's how it is.</p>