Please "Chance" Me? :]

<p>Alright... here are the schools I am applying to:</p>

<p>St. Paul's
Vermont Academy
Loomis Chaffee
Cambridge School of Weston</p>

<p>Here is my resume :] :</p>

<p>I am applying for junior year, and live on the West Coast, applying for New England schools. I am in ALL honors classes. I was:</p>

<li>captain of my volleyball team</li>
<li>recognized artist</li>
<li>pre-med club</li>
<li>art club</li>
<li>language club</li>
<li>taking one AP class this year</li>
<li>GPA last year was a 3.5 and 3.6
-GPA this year is a 4.0, weighted at a 4.75</li>
<li>volunteer in three different places</li>
<li>no sports this year, but very athletic</li>
<li>a few leadership roles.</li>

<p>I would be so interested in having an active role in whatever schools accept me. I plan on taking advanced studio art, photography, joining a drama club, running track or playing volleyball, and participating in a newspaper. I believe I am very personable. My SSAT scores will hopefully be pretty high. My teacher recs are very good. Along with that, I love volunteer work, and actually enjoy community service... I'd definitely contribute there!</p>

<p>have you had an interview yet?</p>

<p>My interviews are scheduled for the end of November, and early December :].</p>

<p>o0o0o0o I like doing community service too :) your GPA is a little...idk weird. it seems like you increased it just so the boarding school would see it. like if you didn't apply, you wouldn't try that hard to get straight A's. i did that when i applied, got 3.8-3.9 GPA the year before but when i applied to boarding, i made sure i got straight A's to impress them. like there are kids that when senior or junior year rolls around they join many clubs because they need to put something on their resume for college. hope thats not the case cause i think thats why i got rejected to my top choice. but otherwise then that, you seem like an ideal student. though, get back into sports, you need to be well-balanced, meaning some advanced academic classes, at least one sport, at least two clubs, and does community service. but if you are in at least one sport and two clubs, I would change that "was" into "am" because "was" is past tense, meaning you are not in those clubs anymore.</p>

<p>Applying definitely makes you pay attention a little more. 9th grade was a below average year for what I'm capable of, this year all A's in APs and Honors. Partly because of boarding school, I don't think they would mind much Senay. As long as they know your capable, just need more motivation maybe.</p>

<p>I would aslo suggest Groton School, Phillips Andover, and Concord Academy if you are applying to New England schools.</p>

<p>question: does an a- count as a 4 average?</p>

<p>yes, as long as it’s an A, unless your school has some weird grading program</p>

<p>really? at my school A- counts as a 3.67 -.-</p>

<p>heey.i was applying for vermont academy too but i didn’t really like it… xD
some of the teachers were very nice, but i don’t think i will be “challenged” enough in that school.</p>

<p>if you’re a girl [i can never tell for some reason wether a person is a girl or a boy] i would suggest applying to EMMA WILLARD’s an amazing school!i did ‘fell in love’ with the beautiful school. (:</p>

<p>emma willard is a great school. very very pretty.</p>