<p>Topic: Are things better kept private?
A greek philosopher once said to keep something to oneself is to misfortune oneself. The philosopher is indeed correct, if one keeps things private he us hurting himself, his family, and the rest of the world who could all benefit from his knowledge, experience, warnings and emotions. This is proved economically, socially, and scientifically specifically the keeping to ones self photographs of monuments, scientific research, and ones present financial state.</p>
<p>In the summer of 2008, President Bush decided to take Photographs of many skyscrapers of New York City as portrait type items. A smart idea, except for the fact that the President forget to tell the country of his plan. Airplanes flew very close to the skyscrapers in New York City so that these photos would come out nicely. New Yorkers saw the airplanes and thought that they were going to crash into the skyscrapers. New Yorkers were reminded of 9/11 in which hijackers took over the airplanes and crashed them into the twin towers, collapsing the building and killing and injuring thousands. 9/11 was still close in New Yorkers minds as t took place not too long ago. Had President Bush told people of his plan, this frightening experience could have been avoided. Instead he kept it private and New Yorkers today still feel the emotional pain of being near death, and the reminder of 9/11.</p>
<p>If Scientists kept there research private we would not be where we are today. We would have more diseases, pollution, shorter life expectancy, less food and a less efficient lifestyle overall. Specificly take Gregor Mendal, an Austrain Monk who crossed Pea plants while researching Genes. He discovered how genes are passed down and explained in simpler terms such as dominant, recessive, and codominance. Mendel cross breed pea plants and studied there traits very closely. Mendels building block discoverys led to more discoverys such as how diseases are inherited and how to prevent them. Had Mendel kept his research private and not spread his knowledge with the rest of the world, we would not have the advanced medicine and knowledge we have today but instead have more genetic deseases.</p>
<p>Recently my mother was layed finance due to the recession. Both my parents are now unemployed and we cant afford the things we used to such as books, school trips and summer camps. If my mom wouldnt keep this information private we could get help finding a job from other people, but instead we keep this information private hurting my moms chance at finding a new job for her own pride.</p>
<p>When information is kept private, it doesnt benefit anyone. People should make less of an effort to keep things private and stop misfortuning themselves and everyone else instead they should spread the wealth and make more of an effort to keep things public.</p>
<p>I suck @ grading, but here’s just a comment…</p>
<p>I think that the last example, the one about your mom, is a tad bit weak. It’s emotionally strong and all, but it’s hypothetical. If you make the info public, how will you know it will help at all?</p>
<p>I’m really not sure whether this point hold any water at all, but there’s my 2 cents.</p>
<p>I give you a 9 out of 12. if it was only out of 6 ( which requires a second person for the other 50% of the grade ) I would give you a 4 out of 6</p>
<p>I was sooo confused about that but wasnt it in the summer 08 or am I making that up? I wasnt sure which one to choose</p>
<p>also in another essay I was using a Jodi picolt book as an example and I forgot the names of all of the characters so I made up names but used the same plot and stated the title is that ok because technicly they dont check for accuracy right?</p>
<p>hey guys a 9 really how sad i can pull 10’s easy on the real SAT with this esay</p>
<p>wudnt this be an 11</p>
<p>my friend invisiblemonstor helped me revise my essay not that simone dude’s simone relax plz
stop ■■■■■■■■</p>
<p>here is the essay i hope its 11/12 material now not a measley 9</p>
<p>Heroes should be defined as people who say what they think. In other words, the ability to formulate and express inner thoughts when others lack the courage to do so is beneficial to the world and society. In government, literature, and personal experience, the evidence to support this statement is pervasive.
Leaders of the Supreme Court must speak their mind, and therefore are easily seen as heroes. The Supreme Court is the place where laws are enacted to be passed by the Senate and Congress by a vote according to the House of Representatives who either agree or disagree with the law presented. In order to pass a law, people who are heroes on the panel will speak out as to why a certain law should or should not be passed, even when others lack the courage to do so. Only through such an act of heroism – when one asserts his position without caring about being penalized or beleaguered by his colleagues – can a law be enacted, and such a law could potentially make the world a better place.
Similarly, the assertive Ma Joad of the literary classic The Grapes of Wrath is a hero because she speaks her mind. Throughout the course of the novel, it is seen how Ma Joad steers the family through numerous hindrances and impediments, most notably through the one in which the men are looking for jobs. Ma is never disheartened and makes family decisions constantly for their betterment and to ensure that they find jobs farther West. Ma is essentially a source of inspiration for the family because she speaks her mind and no one else has the courage to speak. Ma is a headstrong and steadfast leader, and her speaking out makes her the true hero of this novel.
Lastly, throughout my personal life, I have become a hero as the caption of my cross country team because I have consistently spoke my mind. As I lead my varsity cross country team to success, I put my confidence and vigor into perspective. I speak my mind during meets. I come up with ways to vanquish my opponents in every race and instruct my fellow teammates to do so as well, to ensure that we will win the championship. Others may lack the courage, but I speak my mind openly; therefore, I think of myself as the hero of this varsity cross country team.
Heroes ensure that laws are properly passed, they aid in times of crisis like in the Grapes of Wrath, and they aid in athletic sport competitions such as cross country. In all cases, however, the hero is one who speaks what is on his mind, which leads to to a more harmonious and progressive society.</p>
<p>righttt so check the post you all ready got caught once liar just admit you stole and stop trying to cover up plagiarism now you quickly edited your post bc u know we are right</p>