<p>Assignment: Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition?</p>
<p>Cooperation with others is a quality driven into society, even at a young age. However, history, modern examples and personal experience has shown that competition is a better driving force towards success than cooperation. A person or company can only succeed so far while working with another entity. It will only be a matter of time before you have learnt everything from them or theyll start holding your own work back. From then on it will be the survival of the fittest intense rivalries conjure and spark ideas to find every way to topple your opponent making it a more efficient driving factor than cooperation. </p>
<p>Throughout your childhood you are always told to cooperate and get along with others, but as you reach high school and later youll realize that it will no longer apply and will be a bigger burden. Being with your friends in kindergarten and elementary school in a group is a fun way to work and pass time. But as it gets later working with others can become a problem. The person youre working with may be shy, unresponsive, has a very bad work ethnic or a really busy time schedule causing you to stress and constantly push and rely on them to finish their part of the job. Then conflicts start and teachers must be involved creating bad relationships. Whereas working with competition allows you to do whatever you wish with no setbacks or complications. This allows you to work twice as hard to achieve the best mark in the class and receive awards and personal satisfaction.</p>
<p>Today getting into collages and university has become more difficult. Cooperation isnt going to help you get into big name schools like Harvard or MIT. There will be people to give you tips and how to get a higher acceptance rate but nobody today is going to hold your hand and walk you through the process. Its everyman for himself your chance of getting into a university lies solely on competition. Always perform better than the person above you never perform worse than the man below you. Strive to do best nothing less. Our population grows by the minute if you ever cease to compete better than your competitor many other people will take your place. This is why competition and doing better than your opponent will always be the better driving force in any scenario.</p>
<p>There will be no book that can instantly allow you to win something there will be no one to hold your hand. To accomplish something relies solely on the will of the person to compete against its competitors. Nulli Secundas is a famous quote that means always first never second which is what everybody must go for.</p>